Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Lum and Abner – Arrested. 450717 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

There’s one last hold out in getting back the illegal shares of stock the gents had been selling, and its time to take drastic measures to get it. Lum and Abner hide behind the shrubbery at US Quincey’s house. They had phoned his home to be sure he was planning to be out. Lum seems to have all the bases covered, even in keeping Cedric distracted as acting deputy. The gents wonder why Ulysses just doesn’t sell the stock back for a little profit. The Quincey’s blow out the lamp, and no sooner do they depart, burglars pry open the window. Mousey Gray happens along, and Abner tries to enlist his help. Thanks to their friend, the gents are soon fumbling around in the dark. The distracted thieves look at an old photo album. Suddenly Lum gets cold feet, but before they can get away, Mousey exercises his power of being Cedric’s new deputy. Busted.

 Mr. and Mrs. North – Gangster Douglas Grant (Mystery Playhouse). 440412 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:43

Mystery Playhouse was a production of AFRS and hosted by Peter Lorrie. Jerry is upset that a man keeps calling for Pam but hangs up on him. Once Pam gets home she tells about a strange little man who has been following her. Even the phone caller hangs up on her when she answers the phone. Before the North’s can leave, hoping to hide out somewhere else, a man knocks on their door but drops dead when they open the door. Who are the gangsters who are out to get them? Hanging out in a bar, the North’s go unnoticed… mostly. It doesn’t take long before they are followed again. Can Pam and Jerry turn it around and do some following of their own? Their trail leads to Douglas Grant. Who is he, and why does he want to kill Pam? Jerry manages to distract the guard dogs and do some snooping to find freshly poured cement. Jerry also has reason to fish for evidence in the deepest parts of Long Island Sound. Taking some deep dives, Jerry isn’t just hunting for oysters. Will it matter though, if Douglas catches the North’s red-handed in the moonlight? Playing the henchman, Pete, Jerry gets him to turn on his boss. There’s no honor among thieves and the North’s escape. On the ride home the details of the case are unraveled, and the matter of the stranger who followed Pam is solved. Peter Lorrie returns to add a few comments in epilog, and we get a sneak preview of the show for next week.

 Lux Radio Theater – Burlesque (Al Jolson, Ruby Keeler). 360615 (retro688) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:18

First. Consider sponsoring a show. All the details for either a one time donation, or ongoing support is on the Donate page. Behind the scene at a burlesque show, a haggard manager worries over where his star act is. Bonnie is a show girl, and the fiancee of Skid. He makes it, barely, and is chewed out worse by Bonnie. Can’t she control him, and his tendency to sew his wild oats? Bonnie is relieved to find out her rival, Marco, is leaving for the big time in New York. After Skid’s act of singing, clowning, and taking pratfalls, he learns his shot at the big time comes as well. First, Al sings,, and Ruby tap dances to, Toot Toot Tootsie. He leaves, but promises to be true to Bonnie, and write her often. Time marches on, Skid never writes, and soon finds his career going nowhere due to his drinking and carousing. Meanwhile, Bonnie has found a fan, who wants too marry her, and take her back to his ranch out West. Before she can agree to the stable life of a rancher’s wife, she goes to the big city to see how Skid is doing without her. His performance has fallen off, and he takes it hard hearing the potential wedding bells. Skid has hit the skids, and is fired from his big time gig. Making his way back too that small time theater, he’s in worse shape than ever. Will a phone call to Bonnie pull him out of it? How will her fiancee, Harvey, take it if she runs back to Skid? If she couldn’t control him before, is there any hope for Skid now? Note: Ruby Keeler was a dancer, singer, showgirl, and actress. She married Al to be his third wife, in a whirlwind romance, after he broke it off with his second wife. In this episode, they refer to their son, Al Junior. Al Jolson never had kids of his own. Over the course of time, he adopted three children. One girl, and two sons. Ruby would be married to Al for 12 years, then have 4 kids from her later husband. I like the performances of Al and Ruby in this production. Though Lux Radio Theatre tried to get the original stars, neither Al, or Ruby were in this movie. They only starred in one film together, and at a moment when Al’s popularity was waning, and Ruby’s career was beginning to skyrocket. Bonus Tracks * Keith shares a few historical tidbits about Al Jolson and Ruby Keeler. * Ben Selvvin 1930 Around the Corner. Vocals by Vaughn Deleath.

 The Origin of Superstition – Don’t Sail on Friday. ep25, 1935 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:30

A businessman is determined to set sail for Europe to close a big deal for his company. Little does he know, his secretary is working for a rival, and is trying to convince him that it’s bad luck to set sail on a Friday. Is it really bad luck? Are the hazards she warns him of really going to happen? Friday is the only day he can sail if he hopes to win his business deal. A sailor seems to confirm the tradition of not sailing on Friday, but will superstition keep our determined man from making his trip?

 Dragnet – Big Whiff. ep156, 520605 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:08

Homicide Detail. A woman is found dying in a vacant lot, and Joe Friday has to identify her before he can find her killer. In the hospital, Joe interviews the doctor and medical staff about the woman they treated. Frank Smith joins him to try to figure out who she was. Could it be a suicide case? There’s no sign of violence, or robbery, only the odor of chloroform. Newspapers pick up the story on the unidentified woman, and headlines blaze. James Mitchel is an unemployed man who shows up to take the credit for the killing. Why doesn’t he come forth with details or the woman’s name? Nothing in his story matches the crime, so why is he claiming to be a killer? In voiceover, Joe tells how the story of false claims to murder is nothing new, and Mitchel is turned over to the care of a mental institution. Identification comes in when a 16-year-old boy claims the woman is his mother. Arnold tells how she rushed off to meet someone, but he isn’t sure who. All he knows is she was to meet a man named Leo. Clues fall quickly into place, and the cops search for their killer based on a missing necklace.

 Lum and Abner – Trying To Get The Stock Back. 450716 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

In trying to get back their last share of stock, Lum learns that Mose Moots has sold it to a stranger in town. Today, Abner is on the phone to figure out who the stranger is. Lum claims the stranger sold it to US Quincey, and after much argument, Lum still can’t convince him to sell it back. What will it take? Finally, breaking down, and agreeing to paint Ulysses barn? With uncle Henry Lunsford out of town, Abner is left as town constable. What kind of legal leverage will that offer? If he breaks in to take it, as Lum suggests, won’t he have to arrest himself? When Cedric enters, Lum suggests they deputize him for only long enough to do the breaking and entering. With that problem solved, the gents phone Ulysses to warn him of burglars (wink wink), and where does he keep his valuables so the town constable can watch out over them. Deputy Cedric overhears the robbery concern, and takes the security matter into his own hands, making things complicated for the gents.

 Suspense – Til Death Do Us Part. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:39

Featuring Peter Lorrie, as a mild-mannered man with a jealous streak. In the cozy country cottage, professor Kraft dotes over his young bride, Cynthia. Does she have any secrets that she ought to blush about? To help with a cough, the professor gives her a home remedy of rum with lemon and sugar. The picture of a comfortable couple comes to an end when the professor tells her he poisoned her drink. In a flashback, she recounts her encounter with the American, Dr. Craig. Has there been something brewing between the two? Was their meeting at the concert really only a random chance? Regardless, enough of the rumors surrounding them have reached the ears of poppa Kraft, and his jealousy has cooked up the perfect murder. As the poison begins its work, has it taken its effect on him first? Can Cynthia escape, and get to help in the village, two miles away? Twists in the jealous rage emerge, and professor Kraft resurrects himself to complete his plan of revenge. He has captured Dr. Craig and exposes his plan to burn down the cottage with him in it. With the level of poison in his wife’s system, there is no hope for her… right? Dr. Craig reveals a twist of his own that sends Professor Kraft into a maniacal rage, and justice manages a win.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Blizzard. ep311, 420127 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:38

The wintery weather finds the McGee’s glad to spend the evening inside. It doesn’t stop the stream of neighbors who seek shelter from the storm. George Spelvin comments on the tiny garment Molly is making for a soldier overseas. Neither of the McGee’s know who George is, or why he needs to deliver a message to Fibber. The doorbell announces the Old Timer who refuses to confess what his real name is. he tells about his girlfriend who is still in the storm. Billy Mills plays a dance tune. The McGee’s talk with George about relatives in vaudeville, but before he can tell why he’s there, the doorbell rings again. Abigail Uppington enters. She’s looking for her Pekinese, FeeFee. Before she can leave, Harlowe Wilcox pops in with a sponsor message. the crowd grows when Mayor Latrivia arrives. Will anyone find FeeFee? Who is George? For now the mayor hears Fibber brag on being Sleet McGee. On the way out, a trip to the hall closet is in order, then the Kingsmen sing, Gay Ranchero. The gang is having fun staying out of the weather and play a guessing game. As Molly goes to make coffee and sandwiches, Wallace Wimple visits. The weather is no deterrent for him too spend a few moments away from his big old wife. Despite the marital trouble, he sticks up for Sweetie Face, but he runs along. George finally delivers his important message from the governor. note: George is played by Frank Nelson.

 World Adventurers Club – Hidden Fangs. ep16 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:36

After the choir sings, Auld Lang Syne, the adventurers listen to a tale of dragons killing a princess. In a tiny village, on the coast of Indochina, a daughter of a high caste Brahma wants to escape, and flee to the west. Can she convince Hogan to take her with him, And marry her? Before hogan knows it, the Brahma calls the couple to see him. He would rather lose all than to have his daughter marry outside her station in life. The westerner becomes privy to a ceremony not usually seen by outsiders. The Brahma is a snake charmer but knows equally well how to stir up his vipers. When the snake people kiss, those who they kiss sleep well.

 Great Gildersleeve – Leila’s Wedding Invitations. ep217, 461002 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:48

The morning mail has dropped a bomb all over town. The engraved invitation announces the upcoming wedding between Leila and doc Culpepper. Birdie and Marjorie try to keep Leroy from spilling the beans to harshly for his uncle. The delicate treatment is unneeded since Leila told Gildy already. Even Judge Hooker is sympathetic when he pops in. The soft treatment continues in Peavy’s drugstore. Does Gildy really feel fine? The sympathy continues once Gildy reaches the offside and Leila both feel sorry for him. Since he’s doing so well, will he mind helping Leila move her furniture around? It’s time for her to return his old love letters, and Gildy now wants to dispose of them properly. As he reads some of his words, the feelings boil to the surface. Seeking masculine companionship, Gildy joins the gents of the Jolly Boys Club. The boys can see through his real emotion, but what can they do? As a token of goodwill, the Jolly Boys decide they ought to buy Leila a wedding gift. That is if they can come to a consensus on one. Floyd is against it, based on the treatment Gildy received. The boys sing a few barbershop tunes to address the sad feelings. Thee guys enjoy some quiet moments, moping and drinking cokes. Maybe playing some boyish pranks will lift the spirits?

 Wild Bill Hickock – The Tinkers Revenge. ep109, 521205 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:43

Saddle weary from their travels, Jingles wants to relax in the shade when a tinker rides down the road in his wagon. Elmer is a jack of all trades when it comes to building or repairing mechanical things. When an outlaw is found with a knife in his back, would Bill be right in suspecting the stranger? There’s no time to wonder about it when gunshots make our heroes dive for cover. The gunmen are the remaining brothers in the infamous Philips gang. Guns blaze but the brothers getaway. In the meantime, the sheriff is glad to be able to pay the reward on the dead outlaw, he doesn’t ask the questions that are bothering Bill. Another dead Philips brother is linked to Elmer and the rifle that was just repaired by the little man. Before Bill can come to any conclusions, the final Philips brother hijacks our heroes, and holds them at gunpoint. is Elmer behind the killings? Bill has to think fast to play a bluff on the remaining outlaw. Did Elmer really sabotage Philips pistol? Regardless, Bill and Jingles have some hard riding to do to put an end to the reign of terror.

 Lum and Abner – Grandpap Thinks He Is Rich. 450711 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Grandpap was willing to invest, but not in Lum’s stock. Lum’s problem is he doesn’t know how to actually make the purchase of real stock. What should he do with grandpap’s money? How is Consolidated Banana stock doing on the market? When grandpap enters, he is thrilled after reading the paper and seeing his stock soar. How can Lum explain that he never invested the money yet? Grandpap barely notices anything else, other than he’s now a rich man. Abner gets caught up in all the talk about being rich, and nearly forgets the real problem at hand. Can Lum just come out and give him his money back? Grandpap won’t take it, what’s a couple of hundred dollars to a millionaire? what’s Lum going to do now? Maybe he ought to invest in bananas.

 Mr. and Mrs. North – Murder By The Book. 440301 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:51

Or, Gordon Gilroy. Note: (440301 is an Incorrect date). Going to visit a friend, the North’s meet Gordon Gilroy. The grumpy old gent is the uncle of an author they were to meet. A scuffle breaks out between Gordon and Jerry when a gun is produced. It goes off, and Jerry is left standing. Cops are on the scene with the crime lab, and it looks like Jerry will be arrested, accident or not. A knife is found in Gordon, and being the cause of death it lets the North’s off the hook. The question now is, who else was in the house? They had to have known a lot about the house. Who else knew that Gordon was there? Suspects include Mrs. Gilroy, a blackmailer named Crosby, and the niece. Maybe the household servants know something? With a little snooping Pam finds the body of Crosby. What are the cops learning about Mrs. Gilroy? the former showgirl doesn’t think highly of her dead husband. A racketeer named Red Barton is caught fleeing the scene, but is he just a red herring? He is found to be having a fling with Mrs. Gilroy. With all the suspects coming out of the woodwork in the complicated case, the niece, Martha, spills more family secrets. The plot thickens when the body count continues to rise. Pam gets the idea to connect the twisted plot to Martha’s recent murder mystery she wrote. All the convoluted details are brought to light in a confrontation.

 Bing Crosby (Philco Radio Time) Mickey Rooney and Peggy Lee. ep13, 470108 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:42

Huckleberry Bing is introduced and gets the music going. Playlist * Zippity Do Da (Bing Crosby) * Somebody to Love. (Bing Crosby) * Good News (Charioteers) * What More Can a Woman Do (Peggy Lee) * Gal in Calico (Bing Crosby) * Mickey Rooney is on hand to deliver the comedy with Bing. They discuss music and songwriters. Will Bing let Mickey sing on his show? The acting and emotional appeal drives Bing to temptation, but are Mickey’s song titles too much? * Bing gives one a try and sings, I’ll Never Fall In Love Until the Next Time. * A Good Day (Peggy and Bing) * For You For Me Forever (Bing Crosby)

 Dragnet – Big Fourth. ep155, 520529 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:14

Juvenile Detail. An 8-month-old baby is taken from its mother, and Joe Friday is out to find it. Reporting into the chief in the squad room, Joe Friday and Frank Smith give the details of the latest missing baby incident. It’s a carbon copy of the other two cases. A working-class family, no family or friends who would want to see harm done, and no real leads. The cops discuss setting up a decoy to lure in the kidnapper when a caller phones, frantic to clear her name. Mrs. Bolger is a neighborhood lady who babysits. Has someone been accusing her? Is the lonely just being paranoid? Joe describes the development of the investigation in his usual voiceover, but it doesn’t stop yet another kidnapping. A baby is taken, then returned in a 24 hour period, with the only sign of harm being a little exposure, and an item is missing from the baby’s belongings. A report from a cleaning woman tells of used baby clothes being stored in her employer’s home. What’s unusual about that? Plenty of women hang on to old baby clothes. The items match things missing from the returned babies. Mr. Roth is interviewed, but all he knows is that his wife works with children shelters. The cops learn about the childless couple, and catch up with Doris explains her uncontrollable urge.


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