Suspense – Til Death Do Us Part.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Featuring Peter Lorrie, as a mild-mannered man with a jealous streak. <br> In the cozy country cottage, professor Kraft dotes over his young bride, Cynthia. Does she have any secrets that she ought to blush about? To help with a cough, the professor gives her a home remedy of rum with lemon and sugar. The picture of a comfortable couple comes to an end when the professor tells her he poisoned her drink. <br> In a flashback, she recounts her encounter with the American, Dr. Craig. Has there been something brewing between the two? Was their meeting at the concert really only a random chance? Regardless, enough of the rumors surrounding them have reached the ears of poppa Kraft, and his jealousy has cooked up the perfect murder. <br> As the poison begins its work, has it taken its effect on him first? Can Cynthia escape, and get to help in the village, two miles away? <br> Twists in the jealous rage emerge, and professor Kraft resurrects himself to complete his plan of revenge. He has captured Dr. Craig and exposes his plan to burn down the cottage with him in it. With the level of poison in his wife’s system, there is no hope for her… right? Dr. Craig reveals a twist of his own that sends Professor Kraft into a maniacal rage, and justice manages a win. <br>