Fibber McGee and Molly – Molly’s Lost Diamond Ring. ep312, 420203

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: When it’s time for house work, it’s time for husbands to find something else to do. Molly even encourages Fibber to leave. The tone of the day changes when she discovers her engagement ring is gone. Abigail Uppington arrives to hear about the lost ring and the sentiment behind it. The McGee’s and Abigail remember old times in the theater, but in separate areas. The gag about throwing a rock through Abigail’s window makes a return, and Billy Mills plays some hopping dance tunes to transition. <br> Determined to find that ring, Fibber turns to the hunt, only to be interrupted by a visit from Mayor Latrivia. He talks about sledding, and offers to help look for Molly’s ring. Does the mayor have the ability to hypnotize Fibber? After he leaves, Fibber has to admit he tinkered with the vacuum cleaner and other appliances. His rug sweeping is interrupted by a visit from Harlowe Wilcox, and a sponsor message. <br> Worries continue as the McGee’s continue their search and the Old Timer visits to say he’s joining the Navy. Isn’t he too old for that? The old gent is disappointed he won’t be looking cute in a sailor suit, and pokes fun at the forces in Nazi Germany. The Kingsmen sing, the White Cliffs of Dover. <br> After the massive clean up of the house, Fibber is feeling the affect of his work. Molly goes upstairs, when Teeny pops in to offer her ideas on finding missing things. She also tells how the ground hog saw his shadow. Just when Molly admires how clean the house looks, Fibber discovers Molly’s ring. absent minded… or sneaky? <br>