Lum and Abner – Jot Em Down Store Reopens. 450903

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Abner and Lizabeth have returned home from her family in Texas, and Lum is back from his trip to Wisconsin. In the store today, Abner takes orders when Lum arrives. Both gents are glad to be back, and ready to sweep out the store, and turn to Lum’s latest business idea. <br> Abner shares about his trip, and some novelty photographs. Grandpap enters, spry as ever, but will Lum ever get to tell about his great idea? Abner and grandpap swap stories of the carnivals they both attended, when Cedric enters with good news. Guess what! The war is over! <br> Cedric tells how Pine Ridge partied until the late hour of 9 O’Clock to celebrate. The carnival stories keep flying fast and furiously, but won’t anybody give Lum the chance to tell about his idea? <br>