Dragnet – Big _Donation. ep157, 520612

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Audio resolution is low. <br> Bunko Detail. A couple of swindlers hit town, disguised as men taking donations for charity. <br> On the day watch, Joe Friday heads out with his partner Bill Lockwood. An informant points out their man in a coffee shop, but the encounter ends in a foot race, gun shots, and a car crash. The cops lay their cards on the table with the evidence against Ray. How long will he continue to resist, and claim innocence? In the interrogation, the number of cases is presented, and the similarities in how they go down,. <br> Not wanting to go down alone, Ray spills the beans on the others in the ring. Though his part in the operation is small, he provides plenty to go on to take down the swindlers. The trail leads to the mother of a disabled boy. Her legitimate charity is on the short end, and she tells about some of her usual donors who were taken advantage of by the scheme. <br> Working with potential donors, Joe and Bill interview Mr Stage about a suspicious caller. Scammers refuse to leave a call back number, or address, but when they let their victim know they will call again, the cops are waiting on the line. When the check is requested to be made out to a personal account, rather than a corporation, and taken directly to a bank, the cops spring into action. <br>