You Are There – The Rise Of Alexander The Great – Battle For Asia, 331BC. 490313.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The Greeks are set to battle with the much larger Persian army. CDS takes you back over a thousand years to be there as Alexander the Great seeks mastery of the world. <br> After being offered half the known world by the King of Persia as a token of peace, Alexander and his men make their preparations in the gamble of a lifetime when Alexander wants it all. As CBS reporters remind us, the Greeks have proven time and again that they are very capable to overcome larger forces. The battlefield favors the Persian and their maneuvering, but the Greeks are prepared to go down fighting<br> despite a lack of confidence in their leader. <br> The soldiers may hate Alexander, but duty to the service of their country compels them to win the battle. Reporters offer descriptions of the Persian soldiers that describe a rival that is fearsome indeed. They have elephants, the main battle tank of their day. Alexander takes a prominent position, out in front of the battle lines to give his army a motivational speech. And they’re off! <br> The armies race towards each other, with the CBS reporters to give the blow by blow action. With the Greeks surrounded, there is only one thing to do, fight their way out. Still a vanguard of the elite of Alexander has the Persian royal guard fighting to save their king. Don’t forget, this is still only part two in a trilogy that tells this story. Is the fight going to be decided today? Stay tuned for the final installment as the thrilling drama unfolds. <br>