Journey Into Space – Operation Luna 1of12. 580328

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In the far flung, futuristic year of 1965, an exciting adventure into space is about to begin. At least that’s the way it appeared to folks in the mid 1950’s. Though the air dates on this series is 1958, it may have originally been broadcast as early as 1953. <br> As a crew of astronauts blast off from the Australian Outback on a trip to the moon, join them in the cockpit of the rocket to experience the stresses of lift off. Despite the joy of being weightless, the crew is faced with some serious issues. Are they off course? Will their remaining fuel be enough, or will they be forced to turn back without landing on the moon? <br> Things start looking bleak when a weird kind of music is heard, then the radio comes to life with good news from Earth. After a collision with a meteor, there’s even a space walk. That weird music makes a return. What’s the deal with that? But hey, this is just the first installment of a series. You just can’t get to the moon in a half hour segment, not even in the 1950’s. There’s lots more of adventure, and the toughest parts are yet to come. <br> A lot of the science in this series is good, but I somehow don’t think that rockets move by breaking free of Earth’s gravity, and falling toward the surface of the moon. Then there’s that instance where astronauts would light up and smoke in an oxygen rich environment. <br> Listen in, enjoy, and see how folks in the 1950’s envisioned what space travels would be all about. <br>