Dragnet – The Big Limp. 550607.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The story you are about to hear is true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Joe Friday and partner, Frank Smith await their next robbery case, while Frank marvels at modern technology, and reviews some high points of a recent case. The young suspect of the robbery is brought in to be questioned. The rude and sassy guy doesn’t offer up much info, but with what he does, Friday and Smith get busy following it up. <br> At the housing projects, the synical woman tells about her husband, and brother of the mouthy kid. Through the veiled comments a story of a disfunctional family involved in crime and drugs is hinted at. Friday is even offffered a date from the woman who is tight lipped about her menfolk. Still there’s enough leads to go on to keep tracking their main suspect. On the street, more details ermerge to help Joe Friday close in on his man,and to be wary of the suspect who is said to have a limp due to an artificial leg, and to be armed, and not afraid to get into a fight. That sounds like a pun waiting to hapen, a one legged, armed man. <br> In voice over Friday tells all the arrangements that have been made to sweep the area with police coverage, but it still isn’t enough to keep our bad guy from another robbery. Commercial break, removed. It’s a tough neighborhood,and Friday hits a new wall when the latest shop owner refuses to talk. The robbers have threatened him if he goes to the cops, and he believes them. Can Joe talk the man into helping? <br> Will extra police coverage be enough to satisfy the man’s concerns over his family’s safety? A stakeout is planned to ambush the bad guys where they live. It almost works. Friday nabs the partner who squeals like a rusty hinge. The next robbery is told,and Friday goes to break it up. Get ready for excitement when Friday takes them down in a fist fight.<br>