Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – The Case Of The 100000 Legs. 490415.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Johnny is called away from enjoying the horse races to his next job. He has 48 hours to report to his client. He makes it to the apartment of the attractive movie star, only to find her murdered. Johnny notifies his insurance company, and goes to notify the authorities, then finds a sultry woman who could be the double for the dead movie star. Who is she, and why is she tampering with the crime scene? <br> Being a sucker for a pretty face, Johnny seems to help her out, but gets set up for the murder instead. Shots ring out, and a man’s voice is heard fleeing. Now the lady who set up Johnny is dead. Can Johnny explain his way out of being arrested by the cops? All of Johnny’s witnesses are now dead, and the cops have trouble believing his story, and Johnny finds himself in a jail cell. <br> With emotions settled down, and after realizing Johnny is telling the truth, the cops talk with Johnny to compare notes on the evidence. There’s a matter of some missing letters. What kind of scandal might they release? Who would want to kill to keep that info private? <br> With suspects in mind, Johnny volunteers to be the bait in a trap to lure the killer after him. With much publicity, Johnny’s name hits the papers as a suspect that the cops are after. Sure enough when news hits the street that he has been released, Johnny gets to his hotel to find a woman there to demand the missing letters. Before long a man with a gun demands the letters. Who are all these people? How many more will show up with murderous intentions? <br> Johnny provides voiceover commentary, and a fight breaks out that ends up with Johnny in control of the situation. More visitors pop in, more gunplay, then back at the police station, Johnny unravels the situation to the cops. Johnny is mad that the cops didn’t offer him any protection, or backup for his troubles, but it turns out that it’s his own fault. O that crazy old, sneaky Johnny. <br> With all the action over, all that’s left is the paperwork, as Johnny finishes up his expense report. <br>