You Are There – Fall Of Troy 1185BC. 480425.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: CBS Reporters go back to 1184BC to deliver the facts about the Fall of Troy. Inside the walls of Troy we learn a little background of the ten year siege, and what Trojans think about what the Greeks are doing. <br> What in the world are they doing? Have they suddenly left without explanation? The Greek encampment is abandoned, and burned. All that remains is a towering image of a horse, made of polished wood. Leaders of Troy try to decide what it means, and what to do with it? <br> A field report comes in to offer more description of the burned out camp. A Greek prisoner is apprehended, and questioned, but he has just enough information to be intriguing, yet illusive. Is the long war finally over? <br> The CBS reporters interview Hellen of Troy. What does Princess Hellen of Troy think of the matter? It was her that the war started when Greeks wanted to have her returned to their own country. By overwhelming default, the citezens are all too glad to declare peace, even though the government leaders are still unsure. <br> Hey. Wait a minute. There’s something happening out there, Greek soldiers have been spotted. Hey, where are they coming from? Look out! Get away from that horse. Run for your lives! <br> PS: originally posted Oct 24, 2010. Over the upcoming months, watch for a March through Time as I post, in chronological order, these historical dramas through the end of the series. <br>