Suspense – Nothing up My Sleeve. ep23, 430105

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A woman is distraught as she approaches a man about town. What does she expect in the way of help for her fiancee who has been arrested? The bank robbery is all over the headlines on this New Years Eve. Dorothy Dale interrupts the solo billiards game to lay out the account of the robbery, the gangsters, and the way her fiancee was set up to take the blame. <br> Mr Rolf is unconcerned over her emotional appeal, and the complications that seal Jerry’s fate. Why won’t the police believe Dorothy? Why does Mr Rolf hate Jerry so much? He is particularly confident in himself enough to let Dorothy see the suitcase full of stolen bank notes. <br> Even if the cops come to Rolf’s billiard room, there isn’t any sign of the stolen goods, or a decent place where he may have hidden it. Tension builds, and even when Jerry appears after being released, there is still nothing to hold Rolf on, until Dorothy has his sleight of hand trick figured out. But will the smug man go peaceably? <br>