Adventures By Morse – Cobra King Strikes Back 3of10. 440422

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: While Dr Carter and his party are in search of a lost city, Captain Friday was to return a prisoner, Phen Lo, but the man has escaped. Celia and Patricia decide to spend the night together when a cobra has been tossed into their room. Will they be able to scare the deadly snake away? Friday and Skip rush in to shoot the snake, and find a note tied to its tail. Is this the work of the Cobra King, or is he just a legendary character? <br> The journey leads through orange groves full of chattering monkeys, to the swamps of the lowlands. By the time Celia, Patricia, Skip and Captain Friday get to their hotel, the rest of the expidition is nowhere to be seen. Has something terrible happened to them? What about the temples of the lost city? Are they as pristine and beautiful as the natives describe? Soon word comes about the caravan of explorers that had come through the night before. Is Dr Carter being held against his will in the caravan? <br> Darkness is setting in, and the creepy shadows of the night make it appealing to stay put. After a good meal, Skip and the others look forward to entertainment to come from dancing girls, and he discusses the legends they’ve heard about with Captain Friday. Seven headed cobras, lost cities, and the wierd events that have followed them along their way. Concern over the need for protection for the expidition is raised. Does somebody want to get rid of Skip and Captain Friday? Is the murderer, Phen Lo still lurking around? <br> Despite the promise of dancing girls at hand, dangers are in store for Captain Friday and Skip. <br>