Adventures By Morse – Cobra King Strikes Back 8of10. 440527

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Expiditions into the jungles of Cambodia combine. Join Captain Friday, Skip Turner, and their secretary Patricia as they've joined forces with Dr Carter and his daughter Celia. After their latest installment of adventure, they have cause to think a werewolf, or canibals are stalkinng ghdem. Can it be? Isn't there a scientific explanation behind the wierd event? <br> Dr Carter reveals that the study of werewolves is what drew him to this part of the world. What does he have to say about his scientific study of the superstitious legends of the jungle people? The women are spellbound and horrified to hear the story of how the topic of werewolfves came to cross the path of Dr Carter and his colleague. Just then howls of a pack of wolves shatter the night, sealing the fears of the expedition members. <br> The wolves are closing in fast, and there's a knock at the door! Hey, wolves don't knock, who could it be? It's their friend and temple priest, and he's in need in having deep wounds from the wolf attack dressed. Emergency first aid is given, and the wounds evaluated. Is this the works of tooth and claw, or is this the work of cannibals? The priest Tai Kwan, seems to be recovering, but has news about a murder. <br>