Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Lum and Abner – Thanksgiving At Abner’s House. 451122 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

At Abner's house, we find the gents chatting with US Quincey about the weather. The guys think the women ought to get the vittles on, but its too bad that women are weaker than men. It has to do with their blood being thinner... or maybe its thicker. At any rate, folks need a holiday to relax and take it easy. Abner points out that if his woman, Lizabeth weren't relaxing over the hot stove in the kitchen, she would just be out in the field plowing, or chopping wood, or something. Grandpap just can't make head or tail of women's emotions, or whether they really get enjoyment out of things. Abner agrees and tells about his confusion of how his woman can watch a movie, puddle up, and tell friends she had a good time. The dinner bell is ringing, m the gents head In. All except Abner, who has to run a fast errand.

 Frank Sinatra (Light Up Time) First Song – You Do Something To Me. 490912 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:44

Audio is fair. Announcer, Don Wilson. Featuring: Frank Sinatra, Dorothy Kirsten. * You Do Something To Me (frank). * Through a long and Sleepless Night (Dorothy). * Did You Ever Hear Wedding Bells (Duet). * I Only Have Eyes for You (Frank).

 Suspense – The Pit and the Pendulum. ep24, 430112 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:46

Edgar Allen Poe's classic tale, formatted for radio with a script by John Dixon Carr. In the times of the Inquisition, a prisoner of war faces his sentence, after untold days of confinement in the dungeon. His charges involve a proposed marriage to a young lady. Does military law supersede God's law in these troubled times? In the darkness of his prison cell, the voice of his young lover comes to him for encouragement. John is free to explore his pitch dark environment. Will his visions lead only to getting his hopes up? Will he find his way around the dangers in the dark? Is it rats, or something worse that awaits? Later in another cell, John finds himself on his back, and tied down, will the voices in his head continue to comfort him in his weakness? Will he survive the swarm of rats that stream over him? His inquisitors move him to his next torture. The sound of the pendulum ticks ever closer. The mental anguish of the wait might last hours, or days. Close escapes only mean a new kind of agony awaits. Is there any hope for a rescue for John?

 Al Jolson (Kraft Music Hall) Humphrey Bogart. 471106 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

After an opening joke about Howard Hughes and his Spruce Goose, Al sings Golden Gate. Oscar LaVante complains to Al that he wasn't selected for America's best-dressed men. The joke is that Oscar was known for his rumpled, unkempt look, among other things. The fashion jokes slide into an intro for Oscar to play Gershwin's 2nd Prelude. Al asks for Oscar to play something new, then sings one of his old standards, All My Love. The melancholy tune has Oscar in a sad mood. How can you tell? Al sings a medley including Look for the Silver lining. What Care I. I'm Happy. Humphrey Bogart enters to talk to Al about hanging out in nightspots, and their young wives. How did they manage to get such young wives anyway? The tough guy demands to play Al ing his next movie. His one stipulation is that Bogey gets to do his own singing. Bogey teases Oscar about sending in a question to the game show that features Oscar, Information Please. Bogey pitches his idea on how Al's next picture might open, as well as other scenes. Bogey proves he can sing with a few bars of Mammie. Al wraps up the show with a ballad from a comedian from 30 years ago When You WereSweet Sixteen.

 Jubilee – Jimmie Lunceford, Lena Horne. ep89, 440731 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:54

Hosted by Ernie Whitman. The Jimmy Lunceford orchestra opens and plays, Hallelujah. The King Cole Trio sing, Fuzzy Wuzzy. Lena Horne arrives to joke around with Ernie, reads a few mailbag requests, and responds by singing, Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. Butterfly McQueen talks with Lena about... you guessed it, men. What advice does Lena have for the man crazy Butterfly? Lena plays the straightwoman as Butterfly tells about her dating adventures with soldiers. Joe Sullivan, pianist, plays an original boogie riff called, Farewell to Riverside. Lena is back to sing, I Walk Alone. The King Cole Trio sings, Straighten Up and Fly Right. Ernie tells, in his typical jive talking style, how to write in for requests. Jimmy Lunceford plays his special arrangement, while his singers sing, Pistol Packing Mama. Ernie signs off with a word to the soldiers listening.

 Red Skelton (Avalon Time) Marco Polo Skelton. ep12, 390325 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:03

Dell King introduces that man who is fit as a fiddle, Red Skelton. Red talks to his back talking Mike about his homely family, and the new spring fashions. Phil Davis plays some smooth traveling music. Red Foley is sick but is replaced by Kirt Massey to sing, Everyone Knows. In the Skelton Male Escort Service, Miss Stillwell takes the calls, but Red is the only escort. There aren't any complaints, are there? Puns about mustaches are followed by a visit from the mild-mannered Hercules. The hefty Phil Davis is the target for fat jokes, but will he get in as one of the escorts? Puns prevail with a jitterbug flavor and an admiral. Janette sings Heaven Can Wait. Phil Davis plays, Hold Tight. The gang gets ready to learn about another of Red's famous ancestors. Like Marco Polo, Red is carried along by Miss Stillwell and trades with Asian merchants. Will Miss Stillwell end up in a harem? Will Red end up in a torture chamber? Kirt Massey sings, Chapel in the Moonlight.

 Voyage of the Scarlet Queen – Report Of The White Jade Buddha. ep2, 470710 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:46

The weather is clear and fair as the Scarlet Queen sails into Honolulu. The plan was to make a simple stop to pick up payroll, and to get the next leg of the journey from the mysterious and elusive Kang. Instead, Philip Carney receives a proposition to help a man who claims to be financially strapped to conduct business for him. The deal is sweet enough, but the statue of the white jade Buddha is said to be a fake by the shop keeper where Carney goes to make the sale. Who is this Bradbury character? What's the importance of the fake statue?Carney and Gallager find themselves involved in murder, and their flight takes them to a dame and a mansion with men wearing guns. When a new visitor arrives, he is gunned down. Yet another murder to be involved in. Is there a double cross going on? Who was the man? Carney gets the cops on the job, but by the time they arrive, there's no sign of a murder. Instead Carney meets up with a strange Asian man. Where are all these twists leading? The Asian man gives the information from Kang to Philip Carney, but now he needs to find out where the captured Gallager was taken. The trail leads to a nightclub on the wrong part of town. When guns come out, and the place clears. Is Gallager part of a double cross, and a trap set for Carney? The lights go out, there's gun play, but Carney gets away with the gal. Philip Carney then learns the lesson that all tough guy radio heros face, you just can't trust a dame. Once again his first mate, Galagger has proven himself faithful to his boss and ship master. The Scarlet Queen sets sail before the cops can involve them in the murder investigations, and make way for their next destination.

 Lum and Abner – An Old Photo Of Lum. 451121 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Still needing help with school work, Cedric is back for a tutoring session with Abner. Even Lum tries to help with the word problem about a man digging a ditch. Confused over why the gents need someone to dig a ditch, Cedric leaves for football practice. Returning to their own ongoing problem, Lum and Abner discuss the sarge. Was their idea to register her at a matrimonial bureau such a good idea to get rid of her? If they do end up with a match for her, they could have some explaining to do when she gets a letter to notify her. With the promises made from the service, Lum has been tempted to add his profile to the mix, in hopes of finding a bride for himself. How are his prospects looking? Why wouldn't he have an f.lock of fair young maidens wanting to connect with him? Abner thinks it may be that he's too young to get married. Look out! Here comes sarge. What new thing will she have to toss at the gents?

 The Whistler – Blind Alley. ep71, 430924 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

After an auto accident, only Jerry, Henry, and Nalla know the truth. Henry stands to hold the bag and is being blackmailed by Jerry. Grandfather is upset with Henry but isn’t sure why Henry has once again overdrawn his account. Details about the blackmail scheme Nalla’s brother Jerry has over Henry come out, and grandfather is willing to help. Nalla tells how the accident went down, and the case of manslaughter. Is there anything to be done, even if the truth comes to light? When cops come round to get the story on the accident, Henry and Nalla decide to get married in order to keep her from having to testify against her husband. A cigarette case seems to seal the doom of Henry, but Nalla is wise enough to overthrow the dirty deal between her brother Jerry, and a cop on the take. Grandfather is proud of his spunky new granddaughter and turns the matter over to the captain of the police. Just to make the matter is clear, and all the twists are untangled, the Whistler explains all.

 Vic And Sade – Thunderstorm. 420700 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:57

As Vic is on the porch swing, reading the newspaper, Sade enters to comment on the weather, and the aftermath of cleaning up after the evening meal. They notice their neighbor, an eccentric professor, also enjoying the evening on his porch swing. Sade tells about a fad going around, wives referring to their husbands by their job title. Sounds of distant thunder both threaten damp weather, and a promise of a cool breeze to take the heat off. Vic tries to tell a story about his boyhood, but Sade isn't finished telling about all the wives, and their pet names for their husbands. What did Sade use to refer to Vic among the ladies? The Chief? The Big Dipper? Oh ish! The lazy conversation takes a backseat to the increasing thunder and lightening, and the excited comments from Vic and Sade as theywait for the rain to start. The Gooks stay outside as long as possible, but anticipate an enjoyable dash to safety at the last moments before the cloudburst opens up to drench them. Tempting nature. PS: Thanks to Jimbo Mason at the Crazy World of Vic and Sade in uncovering this high quality version of this episode, and making it publicBe sure to check out his site for his ongoing quest to collect all things Vic and Sade.

 Lum and Abner – Cedric Must Pass His Exam. 451120 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Dealing with the latest idea from the sarge, Lum, and Abner study up on modern techniques in customer service. They distract themselves by wondering about that letter from the marital bureau. Will it do to spark a romance for the sarge and get her interested in other things than the store? Getting back to the books, the agents try to role play some of the scenarios in a fictitious store. The fictional characters confuse Abner. Lum tries his best to make a pretend sale, but Abner just can't understand. Finally, Cedric enters to tell that his football career is in danger if he can't bring his grades up. Can the gents help him maintain his passing grade? Will the team be able to make it if their hero can't make an average grade?

 Command Performance – Claudette Colbert, Alan Hale, Jimmy Durante, Betty Hutton, Ronald Colman. 440708. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:53

Usually broadcast from Hollywood, but tonight the show is in New York. Host is Claudette Colbert. Jimmy Durante joins her with hopes of being Claudette's next leading man. At a request of the mail bag, Jimmy takes a quick walking tour of New York, then sings, He Ups to Me and I Ups to Him. Next, Ronald Coleman joins the walking tour. Ronald waxes dramatic and claims to have amnesia. Claudette and Jimmy continue to the next corner to find Dale Evans. Hey, who knew? There's a mailbag at the corner for Claudette to dip into for greetings from soldiers around the world. Dale Evans sings, Amor Amor. Jimmy and Claudette head to the bar to visit with Alan Hale. To present a sound from home, Alan drinks a mug of beer an munches on pretzels. Our hosts get fancy and head to a nightclub. Before they can get there, the amnesiac Ronald Coleman is back to bum another nickel. At the club, and reading requests from the mailbag, Betty Hutton sings a lullabye, My Rocking Horse Ran Away. Ronald gets musical and is joined by Betty and Jimmy to sing a medley of tunes including: the Tre that Grows in Brooklyn, and Mother. With all the fun of the walking tour of New York over, Claudette closes with a good word for the troops.

 Mysterious Traveler 0- House of Death. ep9, 440130 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:43

A pair of old ladies have to move out of their home, and under the care of their nephew and his wife. Though they are being treated well, its just not home, and the ladies want to pack up their cats and go back to the life they are used to. Reading about friends who have died, or who have had to be sent to the poor house for care, Martha and Elouisse begin to think their nephew is mishandling their estate. Are the younger relatives up to no good? It doesn't help matters when each of their cats die from eating food meant for them. Why won't the nephew let them leave, and limit contact with the outside world. How long might they hold out on a hunger strike? If only the terrified ladies might contact their long time business manager. suspicions rise. Plans are made to escape. Even a message through the postman ends up in a mysterious death. desparate and determined, Martha and Elouisse get help the only way they know how. they burn the house down and wait for the fire department outside. It isn't until then that they learn their fears were unfounded, but the things they feared even more than this have become their final fate.

 21st Precinct – The Nolen Brothers. 530707 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:00

Captain Canelli tells about his evening out with his wife. During intermission at the theater they are attending, the off duty cop phones in to the precinct, just to check in. The captain gets the low down on a bank robbery that the cops have been called out on, and the escaped suspects. Before you know it, the evening is ruined as the captain is called in to deal with the case. The cops on duty seem to have things under control, so the captain gets the reports on the nights activities. A shift change that's about to take place, an officer with an infraction of his duties, and a report about a street person with a tip off. The cops have the bank robbers holed up in a building, and the captain goes over the plans to move in on them. The robbers may be on the move, so the cops need to move fast. A gal is found who may be able to help, but will the cops be able to get the information from her in time? In a few moments of intense police drama, including a shoot out, the cops make their move and nab the escaped bank robbers. It's never over until the paperwork is done, and the captain gives a voiceover report of the follow up actions that were taken. Later, a forgiving wife awaits him at home. Lucky guy, many wives wouldn't see it that way.

 Lum and Abner – Sarge Gets A Letter. 451119 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

In the attempt to get the sarge married off, and out of their hair, the gents finally get a response from a matrimonial bureau. Lum reads the letter to Abner. Abner gets confused over some of the typical business lingo in the letter, and the account number. If couples get together, will they be known as Mr. and Mrs. 869? Abner brags about steaming open letters so nobody can notice they had been opened. Nice trick/./.. wait... has he ever opened one of Lum's letters to sneak into his private business? Miss Hartford enters with her latest business improvement, teaching the gents good customer service. Will they take to the new techniques in applying psychology? How will she react to the letter? The gents give her privacy while she reads.


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