Voyage of the Scarlet Queen – Report Of The White Jade Buddha. ep2, 470710

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The weather is clear and fair as the Scarlet Queen sails into Honolulu. The plan was to make a simple stop to pick up payroll, and to get the next leg of the journey from the mysterious and elusive Kang. Instead, Philip Carney receives a proposition to help a man who claims to be financially strapped to conduct business for him. <br> The deal is sweet enough, but the statue of the white jade Buddha is said to be a fake by the shop keeper where Carney goes to make the sale. Who is this Bradbury character? What's the importance of the fake statue?Carney and Gallager find themselves involved in murder, and their flight takes them to a dame and a mansion with men wearing guns. <br> When a new visitor arrives, he is gunned down. Yet another murder to be involved in. Is there a double cross going on? Who was the man? Carney gets the cops on the job, but by the time they arrive, there's no sign of a murder. Instead Carney meets up with a strange Asian man. <br> Where are all these twists leading? The Asian man gives the information from Kang to Philip Carney, but now he needs to find out where the captured Gallager was taken. The trail leads to a nightclub on the wrong part of town. When guns come out, and the place clears. Is Gallager part of a double cross, and a trap set for Carney? The lights go out, there's gun play, but Carney gets away with the gal. <br> Philip Carney then learns the lesson that all tough guy radio heros face, you just can't trust a dame. Once again his first mate, Galagger has proven himself faithful to his boss and ship master. The Scarlet Queen sets sail before the cops can involve them in the murder investigations, and make way for their next destination. <br>