Lum and Abner – Thanksgiving At Abner’s House. 451122

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: At Abner's house, we find the gents chatting with US Quincey about the weather. The guys think the women ought to get the vittles on, but its too bad that women are weaker than men. It has to do with their blood being thinner... or maybe its thicker. <br> At any rate, folks need a holiday to relax and take it easy. Abner points out that if his woman, Lizabeth weren't relaxing over the hot stove in the kitchen, she would just be out in the field plowing, or chopping wood, or something. <br> Grandpap just can't make head or tail of women's emotions, or whether they really get enjoyment out of things. Abner agrees and tells about his confusion of how his woman can watch a movie, puddle up, and tell friends she had a good time. The dinner bell is ringing, m the gents head In. All except Abner, who has to run a fast errand. <br>