Lum and Abner – An Old Photo Of Lum. 451121

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Still needing help with school work, Cedric is back for a tutoring session with Abner. Even Lum tries to help with the word problem about a man digging a ditch. Confused over why the gents need someone to dig a ditch, Cedric leaves for football practice. <br> Returning to their own ongoing problem, Lum and Abner discuss the sarge. Was their idea to register her at a matrimonial bureau such a good idea to get rid of her? If they do end up with a match for her, they could have some explaining to do when she gets a letter to notify her. <br> With the promises made from the service, Lum has been tempted to add his profile to the mix, in hopes of finding a bride for himself. How are his prospects looking? Why wouldn't he have an f.lock of fair young maidens wanting to connect with him? Abner thinks it may be that he's too young to get married. Look out! Here comes sarge. What new thing will she have to toss at the gents? <br>