Whistler — Notes in the Night. ep7, 420627

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Ambrose begins finding notes written in his own hand, urging him to kill his best friend Henry. Going to a doctor, he is advised to stop over working himself, and is prescribed nerve pills. Soon his friend and business partner, Henry, recommends he take a vacation. Frustrations build, and Ambrose is ready to get away, and packs his bags. <br> Getting away to his mountain cabin, will Henry get rest, or continue to slowly go insane? When the doc arrives, he brings word that Henry has been shot, and it was Ambrose who shot him. Will he go back to the city to stand trial? Will the doc have him committed to a home? <br> Has Ambrose messed his life up bhy fleeing? It doesn't take long for the fugitive to encounter a road block on the stormy night. Investigators at the murder scene turn up an important clue to bring justice to the real killer. But wait, there's still one more detail the Whistler knows to add an extra twist.<br> <br>