Fort Laramie – Squaw Man. ep3, 560205

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The cavalry is called on to make sure wagon trains get through safely. The pioneer ladies may be enamored with the troops, but word comes from a frontiersman that an Indian uprising may be in the works. Confined to reservations, the tribe feels that the government hasn't been holding up its end on feeding them. Raiding parties are sure to prey on wagon trains if something doesn't change. <br> Taking the request to hire the frontiersman as a scout, so he can support his young bride, and live in peace among the tribe, Captain Quince has his ideas shot down bye the major.. It isn't that the fort commander doesn't recognize the situation, it's that he is bound to follow orders. Allowing Quince the slack he needs, the platoon sets out. <br> Can trouble be prevented? Will there be clashes as the cavalry protect the wagon trains? Will it mean danger for the frontiersman and his newfound people? Buffalo sign is found, and a deal is made with the chief. The tribes warriors will need to leave the reservation, and a time limit is set before the tribe takes matters into their own hands. <br> So far, all that is seen is the mere sign of buffalo. The race is on to find the herd, and get word back to the tribe. Let's just say that the platoon gets the rare chance to enjoy a buffalo hunt, and the frontiersman is able to live in the fort with his bride. Um... as long as he can get her to do something about not walking through the fort topless... with all the young troopers standing by... in these steamy summer days. <br>