Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 spike jones – Delta Rhythm Boys. 480611 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:31

spike jones – Delta Rhythm Boys. 480611

 Great Gildersleeve – Real Estate Agent (Hooker As A Boarder). ep221, 461030 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Worried over his finances, Gildy is encouraged by the judge, to get a side line to raise a little extra money. Walking home, the great man learns his neighbor, Bullard needs a bigger house. Will he be tempted by the fortunes to be made in the real estate business? At home, LeRoy and Marjorie worry they may have their home sold out from underneath them. Before he can sell a house, Guildy needs one. The judge's house is just right for Bullard's wwiddowed sister, but can the judge be convinced to sell? Might Peavey be willing to rent a spare room to the judge? Will Gildy need to take in the judge in as his own boarder? Determined to make money in his new real estate venture, Gildy needs to convince LeRoy and Marjorie its a good idea to have the judge live with them. To break the news to the judge, Gildy invites him over for dinner. Will Birdie's home cooked meal convince him? It might not be the table manners of the kids. The judge's medical and dietary needs might not sit so well for Gildy. But the deal to invite the judge as a permanent guest breaksdown.

 – The Origin of Superstition – Kissing Beneath the Mistletoe. ep6, 1935 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:31

Ruth is kissed beneath a mistletoe, but doesn't want to be married within the year. It'll ruinm her plans for her career. Roger explains how the custom orriginated in ancient Babylonia. As he lays out the tale of the old days, we fade into a dramatization. The beautiful princess is being set up by her sister, to be sold as the wife of a king. The silver tongued sister takes the bride to be to the temple. As they discuss the weather, kidnappers abductt the princess. The maiden is tied up and begins her journey to the foreign king. A surprise twist, involving a mistletoe returnms the princess to her own prince. Will Ruuth see the coincidence of the circumstance for what it is? She won't really end up having to marry soon, will she?

 Suspense – Fear Paints a Picture (Nancy Coleman). ep37, 430413 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:44

Featuring Nancy Coleman. After the death of Benjamin Powell, he makes his high strung and neurotic daughter his heir. As long as she doesn't go insane before her 23rd birthday. As Julia's birthday approaches, she becomes fixated on a strange painting in her bedroom. Harvey and Laura are her guardians, and try to gently break the news that insanity runs in her family. Might the local doctor help them assure Julia? She thinks the man in the picture is going to kill the girl with her back turned to him. Julia's fear is compounded when the picture seems to move. The man is closer to the girl than he was before. What are those strange noises in the room above Julia's? Each passing night, the figure in the painting gets closer. Julia tries to be strong, ignore it, deny her feelings, but can't ignore her high strung nature. Can she fight sleep, or otherwise not have to confront her fears with the painting? The situation comes to a head on the night before her 23rd birthday. A dark family secret emerges, and the secret behind the picture comes out.

 World Adventurers Club – Malay Madness. ep21, 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:01

A traveler to the lands of Southeast Asia, has a tale of escaping death at the and of a tribe of wild women. Accompanied by a complaining Irishman, and a white mouse named Nicodemus, the journey seems like a walk in the park. Are the stories of the vicious tribe of women warriors true? Our adventurers soon find themselves surrounded by a band of women. Each is as rough and ugly, as their leader is beautiful. The ladies have no use for men. Will they all be tortured and killed? Only the leader shows interest in our story teller. Will he abandon his mates to their doom? It takes the wits of the Irishman, and Nicodemus to set them all free.

 Bing Crosby (Philco Radio Time) Leo McCarey, William Frawley and Judy Garland. ep19, 470219 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:52

Playlist * Connecticut is the Place for Me (Bing with Judy Garland) * Hugging and Chalking (Bing) * William Frawley introduced, Judy Garland sings - I've Got You Under My Skin * Ida (William Frawley and Bing) * Leo McCrary discusses Bing's acting ability * Leo's play - Tear Bucket Jim * I Miss You So (Bing)

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Family Tree. ep335, 421020 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

Its the kind of day where it would be good to be outside. Join the McGee’s as Molly tries to convince Fibber to take a walk. Abigail Uppington enters to prevent Fibber from his exercise. Uppie is walking on air after being elected president of her ladies club. The club has to do with tracing genealogies back to the Mayflower, and it gets Fibber interested into digging into his own roots. As Fibber fights it out with the hall closet, Billy Mills plays, I’ve Got a Gal in Kalamazoo. The old Timer visits with a unique request. He wants to stay healthy by eating grass. He also shares a joke about driving too fast. Will Fibber’s family hold up to Uppie’s? First a little chat with Mirt the phone operator who brings up a misunderstanding about a lady with a tattoo on her chest. Harlowe Wilcox visits to put a spin on the genealogy topic to sell the sponsor product. As Fibber takes a walk in search of his roots, the Kinsmen sing, It Ain’t necessarily So Back home, Molly is eager to hear what Fibber learned at the library about his family tree. Wallace Wimple tells about winning a contest by sending in boxtops. He shares a poem with a wartime sentiment, and the latest about his big old wife, Sweetie Face. Mayor Latrivia enters and gets confused over a blind horse. This time its the McGee’s turn to get a little flustered. Will McG be offered a job? There’s just one problem, and it involves his genealogy.

 Jack Armstrong – Luminous Dragon Eye Ring. ep15, 401018. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:20

With the storm, the crew of the Spindrift has temporarily lost the scooner that had pursued them, but as they approach their waypoint in Honolulu, it has made an appearance again. As Blackbeard makes his appearance on the deck of the Spindrift, Jack smells smoke and a fire is found. Measures are taken to extinguish the fire, including heroic actions by Blackbeard. It's almost enough to make Betty believe he's really on their side afterall. Was the fire an accident, or did Blackbeard set a smoke bomb on purpose? Blackbeard flees the ship, but has he stolen the strong box with the chart and dragon eye ring? PS: I love Jack's observation when the fire is found. "That's smoke! That means there's a fire." How astute.

 Barry Craig – Death and the Purple Cow. 511212 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:06

Visiting a coffee shop, Barry is on hand when a job comes his way. He also has his messenger shot down before he knows who his client is supposed to be. Discussing the corpse with the cops, Barry returns to his office building. Will the dozing elevator man shine some light on who the client might be? Barry is sorry to have kept the dame in his office waiting. Sally needs a good private detective to help her brother out of a jam. He turns down the job of protecting him. Why not go to the cops for that? But somehow the dame convinces him. Tailing the dame, Barry confirms the beginning of a trail of lies. A confrontation in an alley leads to a thump on the head, but not for Barry this time. What's the importance of a purple cow? The cheap glass trinket seems of no value, but people have been killed for it. Barry is off to see Mr. Cochran, and discovers the connection between him and Sally. How does it connect her brother and the purple cow? Guns are out, but so are the lights. Sally's brother shows up with the cops, and the tensions are smoothed. But it takes Barry to fit the puzzle pieces together.

 Jack Benny – Wings Of The Hawk. ep856, 531018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

The cast arrives, mostly it's just Don Wilson, Dennis Day, and Bob Crosby. Dennis jokes about being a crusty, but seasick pirate. He sings, Because You're Mine. Before Jack can wind up, and go into the day's play, Bob Crosby has a special request. How can Jack help out with brother Bing's latest business venture? Parts are assigned, and Mel Blanc joins the all male cast today. Jack and Don are gold prospectors in old Mexico. Will they find the guide they need in an old timer played by Dennis? Four musical Mexicans enter, otherwise known as the Sportsmen. They sing a sponsor version of, Tampico. Banditos roll in, but will Sy back down from Irish Gallager? Si. What about his sister… Sue? Well, its really Raqel. Not to be disappointed, his little brother enters with a magic act to pick up the slack… alright? Si. In fact, Jack can hardly finish the routine without laughing. Back to the play, greed makes a move, and the gold remains an elusive dream as gunplay brings a comic tragic end to the spoof. Note: The sponsor claims that smoking enjoyment is just a matter of taste. Hmm… maybe there's something to that. That's probably why I enjoy smoking the way I do… the taste. I can't stand the test, so therefore, I can't enjoy smoking. At any rate, remember that commercials are left in for entertainment, and historical purposes only. Don't smoke. It's bad for you. PS: At hearing Jack's nickname in the play, the Irish Dennis Day exclaims, “Oy vey!” Of course a jab at the fact that Jack is actually Jewish, and Dennis has the Irish roots.

 Six Shooter – Rink Larkin. 531018. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:53

Brit rides the trail and gets the feeling he's being followed. It turns out to be an 11 year old runaway boy. They are heading the same direction so after sharing a meal, and learning a little of the boy's past, ride together. The boy's mom has died, his dad has been away for a while, and he has been living with his aunt. A disturbing letter had come, and the boy, Rink, decides to run off to find the truth about his Pa. The two ride into the nearest town, Petersville, and they discover from the sheriff the bad news about Rinks dad. It's hard news to tell, but dad was a bank robber who was shot and only died that day. The kid takes it badly, and runs out vowing to get revenge. Commercial time. Later the hardware store has been broken into and child sized boot prints lead away. Brit follows the track, and tries to talk sense with Rink. Rink is a little more stubborn than expected, but Brit leaves him alone. In the morning the sheriff calls on Brit. They talk about the hardware store break in, and the dilemma the sheriff finds himself in. Maybe the kid will come to his senses on his own? Or not. To help moderate the situation, Brit rides along on Rinks trail. They do find a good spot for an ambush, but they are about to get a surprise they couldn't count on. There is an ambush, but it isn't the kid. It's the bank robbing partner of dad. The character of dad emerges, and he's really as bad as all that. The moment gets tense as Brit sizes up the situation. A gunshot shatters the silence. A man is down. Who is it? I'll leave that mystery hanging, but in the end the kid has overheard the whole encounter, and comes to his senses, and arrangements are made to return him to his aunt.

 Jack Armstrong – Luminous Dragon Eye Ring. Ep14, 401017. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:20

A few episodes are missing since our last installment, but today we pick up the story just after Jack has been rescued from the ocean after a giant wave washed over the Spindrift. He emerged from the water with the special ring missing. Did Blackbeard somehow swipe it from him while he was in the water? Or when he was pulled out by the pirate? A direct confrontation gets Jack and Billy nowhere. Instead, they search for Blackbeard's hiding place. The glow in the dark property of the dragon's eye ring helps, but the mysterious scooner that has been following the Spindrift is sailing closer and closer. Is there danger of being boarded by pirates? Uncle Jim thinks they're safe as long as the storm holds out. Watch out, Blackbeard has sneaky tricks up his sleeve.

 21st Precinct – The Baker. ep30, 540203 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:47

A phonecall into the police nerve center sends the cops on an emergency call. At a restaurant, the baker is found shot to death. A robbery has also been found. Was the crook after the money, and the shooting was unfortunate? Or was the murder the object, and the robbery meant as a cover up? Captain Canelli offers voiceover to move the drama along, sharing actions the police have taken. Questioning turns up a waitress who is married, and having a fling with the baker. As things move towards the obvious suspect, her husband insists that he's innocent. If his alibi is solid, things sure don't fit. Is he lieing about his whereabouts? He comes clean about the truth of where he was, but he can still account for his time. In other questioning, another employee is identified who may hold the answer to the case.

 A Date With Judy – Mixed Company. ep18, 420721 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:20

On a dry spell in her dating life, Judy and her friend decide to put on a party. The problem with parties is other girls, so Judy decides to not invite any. The thing she doesn't know is that mother has planned a party at the same time. As the party preparations are made, both Judy and mother think they are getting ready for the same party. The best silver, cigars, harp music, and more. Randolph is in the know, but is content to sit back and watch the social collision. Father comes home with a guest, Mrs. Miller, the wife of an influential client. Will the chaotic party plans impress her? Slowly, clashes in Judy's plans show up to ruin mother's arrangements. Judy and her friend, Mitsy were counting on being the only girls, but mother's hen party upsets the plan. What will all the ladies think of the flood of teenage boys? Mrs Miller is just sitting their glaring, can mother save the day with the important client? The business dea. doesn't look like it can be saved, so the parties split to have their own kind of fun. The teenagers dance to their own music, while the ladies play cards Just when father tries to bring the dance party to a stopm, Mrs. Miller shares that she hasn't had so much fun at a business party in a long time

 Fort Laramie – Never the Twain. ep15, 560506 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:58

A special mission is given to Lt Ciberts. He is to invistigate the activity of the Indians, but cringes at the thought of having to work with the squaw man and scout, Dan Taliver. The racial bigotry of the lieutenant is challenged further when he has to save an indian girl from snake bite. Will the cheif think the girl was kidnapped> The cheif is shown his daughter, and the medical care she is being given. Cultural barriers are broken down, the girl insists on staying to get well, and love is kindled between her and Lt Ciberts. The young officer takes some creative interpretation of his duties to impress the girl, which doesn't go unnoticed by Captain Quince. . Young love is put to the test when the girl is well, and sent back to her tribe. The relationship still has a way to go to remove all blots of bigotry though. It doesn't stop the Indian uprisings either. Is there hope of peace in the connection between the young lovers? After the brutal winter season, will there be a chance for love to rekindle?


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