Great Gildersleeve – Real Estate Agent (Hooker As A Boarder). ep221, 461030

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Worried over his finances, Gildy is encouraged by the judge, to get a side line to raise a little extra money. Walking home, the great man learns his neighbor, Bullard needs a bigger house. Will he be tempted by the fortunes to be made in the real estate business? At home, LeRoy and Marjorie worry they may have their home sold out from underneath them. <br> Before he can sell a house, Guildy needs one. The judge's house is just right for Bullard's wwiddowed sister, but can the judge be convinced to sell? Might Peavey be willing to rent a spare room to the judge? Will Gildy need to take in the judge in as his own boarder? <br> Determined to make money in his new real estate venture, Gildy needs to convince LeRoy and Marjorie its a good idea to have the judge live with them. To break the news to the judge, Gildy invites him over for dinner. Will Birdie's home cooked meal convince him? It might not be the table manners of the kids. <br> The judge's medical and dietary needs might not sit so well for Gildy. But the deal to invite the judge as a permanent guest breaksdown. <br>