Six Shooter – Rink Larkin. 531018.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Brit rides the trail and gets the feeling he's being followed. It turns out to be an 11 year old runaway boy. They are heading the same direction so after sharing a meal, and learning a little of the boy's past, ride together. The boy's mom has died, his dad has been away for a while, and he has been living with his aunt. A disturbing letter had come, and the boy, Rink, decides to run off to find the truth about his Pa. <br> The two ride into the nearest town, Petersville, and they discover from the sheriff the bad news about Rinks dad. It's hard news to tell, but dad was a bank robber who was shot and only died that day. The kid takes it badly, and runs out vowing to get revenge. Commercial time. <br> Later the hardware store has been broken into and child sized boot prints lead away. Brit follows the track, and tries to talk sense with Rink. Rink is a little more stubborn than expected, but Brit leaves him alone. In the morning the sheriff calls on Brit. They talk about the hardware store break in, and the dilemma the sheriff finds himself in. Maybe the kid will come to his senses on his own? Or not. <br> To help moderate the situation, Brit rides along on Rinks trail. They do find a good spot for an ambush, but they are about to get a surprise they couldn't count on. There is an ambush, but it isn't the kid. It's the bank robbing partner of dad. The character of dad emerges, and he's really as bad as all that. <br> The moment gets tense as Brit sizes up the situation. A gunshot shatters the silence. A man is down. Who is it? I'll leave that mystery hanging, but in the end the kid has overheard the whole encounter, and comes to his senses, and arrangements are made to return him to his aunt. <br>