A Date With Judy – Mixed Company. ep18, 420721

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: On a dry spell in her dating life, Judy and her friend decide to put on a party. The problem with parties is other girls, so Judy decides to not invite any. The thing she doesn't know is that mother has planned a party at the same time. <br> As the party preparations are made, both Judy and mother think they are getting ready for the same party. The best silver, cigars, harp music, and more. Randolph is in the know, but is content to sit back and watch the social collision. Father comes home with a guest, Mrs. Miller, the wife of an influential client. Will the chaotic party plans impress her? <br> Slowly, clashes in Judy's plans show up to ruin mother's arrangements. Judy and her friend, Mitsy were counting on being the only girls, but mother's hen party upsets the plan. What will all the ladies think of the flood of teenage boys? Mrs Miller is just sitting their glaring, can mother save the day with the important client? <br> The business dea. doesn't look like it can be saved, so the parties split to have their own kind of fun. The teenagers dance to their own music, while the ladies play cards <br> Just when father tries to bring the dance party to a stopm, Mrs. Miller shares that she hasn't had so much fun at a business party in a long time<br>