Fort Laramie – Never the Twain. ep15, 560506

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A special mission is given to Lt Ciberts. He is to invistigate the activity of the Indians, but cringes at the thought of having to work with the squaw man and scout, Dan Taliver. The racial bigotry of the lieutenant is challenged further when he has to save an indian girl from snake bite. Will the cheif think the girl was kidnapped&gt; <br> The cheif is shown his daughter, and the medical care she is being given. Cultural barriers are broken down, the girl insists on staying to get well, and love is kindled between her and Lt Ciberts. The young officer takes some creative interpretation of his duties to impress the girl, which doesn't go unnoticed by Captain Quince. . <br> Young love is put to the test when the girl is well, and sent back to her tribe. The relationship still has a way to go to remove all blots of bigotry though. It doesn't stop the Indian uprisings either. Is there hope of peace in the connection between the young lovers? After the brutal winter season, will there be a chance for love to rekindle? <br>