Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Six Shooter – More Than Kin. ep13, 531213 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:17

A dose of culture comes to town in the form of a Shakespearean troupe. Though they are heckled badly by the crude Westerners in town, the locals won't let the thespians off the stage without their money's worth of entertainment. Brit Poncet rides to town, and marvels at the latest high tech gadgets. Brit realizes that he knows the master thespian, and his bride from his past, but culture seems to have elevated the old pals. They fill Brit in on how they've made the change from ordinary dry goods store owner to flashy exotic actors. Just when the acting troupe has plans to leave town for more grateful audiences, a big opportunity crosses their path. Has Brit's old friends just past up a deal of a lifetime? When a man claiming to be PT Barnum is turned away from their next performance, it sends the actors into doing some scrambling around, the opera house is once again secured, word passed around town about the show, and Brit finds PT Barnum to make sure he will attend. What could go wrong? What will Barnum think if the same unruly crowd shows up again tonight? Is there anything Brit could do to ease things along? His pal, Arch, lays it all out, though the listener isn't privvy to the speech, Brit has all intentions of just saying no. Fast forward to the theater, and the heckling crowd. You guessed it, Brit is forced on stage to read lines. Will it actually work to calm down the crowd, or just make Brit a laughingstock along with the rest? Brit feels pretty much the fool with his appearrance, and costume he was forced to wear, but the proof comes when Barnum meets the friends after the show. Did it work, did his friends get in good with Barnum?

 Jack Benny – From New York. ep460,, 421213 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:52

Audio quality is good, but not the best. Also some of the musical bits and commercials are chopped, including cutting the ending short. Don and Jack joke about their hotel arrangements for their trip to New York. Girl bellhops are a point of humor, especially with the entry of large numbers of women now entering the workforce to help with the war effort. Mary arrives to poke fun at the guest bandleader, Benny Goodman. She has her own flavor of jokes about her living arrangements. g Dennis may have the best joke of all, when he claims to be staying at the YWCA. There's a guest appearance by Fred Allen's resident poet, Falstaff, then Dennis sings, I Had the Craziest Dream Last Night. Mary gives the band more grief over their playing ability. Benny Goodman manages to dish it right back out. Gary Cooper phones in to arrange a night on the town with his good buddy Jack. Where will the swinging singles go to tear up the town? First, the tall cowboy of few words defends himself from the gags that the cast have ready for him. Rochester phones in with a report from Harlem, and the cutie he has on hand… er make that, his lap. Benny Goodman kicks off with some swinging traveling music as the guys hit the town. After a rip roaring time at Grant's Tomb, and the Planetarium, Jack takes over to run the date his own way. Will he do any better? Will Jack ever get to the night clubs? The glitter and glamour of Broadway is next, and Jack manages to take Gary to a burlesque show. How will our wholesome heroes hold up under the bump and grind?

 Fall Of Wake Island clip. 411224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30

Navy announces the fall of Wake, and the personnel and property loss.

 Robin Duff (BBC) Sees London Burning. 401220 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:08

The sounds of bombs exploding set the tone for the news report. As men fight the spreading fires, people get away quickly by taking cover in undergroune shelters. And the bombs keep falling.

 Jack Armstrong – Country Of The Head Hunters Ep5. 401206 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:19

With their backs against a landslide across the narrow mountain trail, the pirates have caught up with our heroes. The band of Agrito tribesmen also stand by with weapons at the ready. The tribesmen seem to be making peace with uncle Jim after rescuing one of their number. Jack has an idea that might signal the Agrito’s that the following car is full of enemies. The car stops, and as Blackbeard emerges, the tribesmen hide. As the two groups of white men talk, will they arrive at a peaceable agreement? The uranium they both seek is at stake, as is the purpose it will be used. Will Blackbeard be fearful of the little men with bows and arrows? Has he underestimated the friendship the Agrito’s have with Jack and his friends? Has he underestimated how many unseen Agrito’s are in hiding, and with bows ready to hurl arrows?

 Bing Crosby (Philco Radio Time) Peggy Lee. ep22, 470312 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:29

Playlist * MacNamera's Band (Bing) * You Got A Way ()Peggy Lee) * Moonglow (Ernie Police Quartet) * Misalou (Skitch Henderson) * Irish Lullabye (Bing) * You Can't See the Sun when You're Crying (Charioteers) * Best Man (Bing Crosby, Peggy Lee) * Among My Souvenirs (Bing)

 Lum and Abner – Queen For A Day. 451206 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Lum and Abner – Queen For A Day. 451206

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Women Taking Over Vacuum Cleaner. ep342, 421208 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:15

The vacuum cleaner is broke, but Fibber is sure he can fix it. It kicks off round one in a battle of the sexes. He and Molly do a little arguing on who is smarter, more mechanically inclined, more inventive, where Molly seems to get the upper hand. When the phone needs repair, the arrival of a lady repairman touches off more ranting by Fibber, After a quick chat with Mirt the phone operator, its off to the hardware store, and a left over jab from last week, about Fibber getting only 4 gallons of gas. Billy Mills plays a jazzed up dance number. Women are everywhere, the newspaper girl, lady cops, and lady milk men, even Abigail Uppington has a job. The trip to the hardware store is interrupted by a chat with Harlowe Wilcox. What does he think about the flood of women in the workplace? Are they really taking over? The walk to the hardware store finds Fibber having to deal with even a lady cigar shop clerk, then they encounter the Old Timer. He has taken a new job, and tells his own perspective on women he works with… and a joke about Muscilini. The Kingsmen sing a tune about dealing with wartime rationing and shortages, An Open Letter to the Boys at War. The whole time, Molly has been wondering what job Abigail has taken on. Fibber gets more to rant about when the hardware store has a new lady manager. He's even more amazed when she knows exactly what his problem is, and sells him the right part to his vacuum. Along the way home, Wallace Wimple tells how he's dealing with the ongoing battle of his big old wife Sweetie Face. Also we find out where Abigail is working, Note: Of course the show is a hotbed of patriotic support for the nation, the war effort, and the various governmental programs that helped to shape the culture. The importance of the broken vacuum csweeper is that among other appliances, the government put a ban on the sales and production for civilian use of them for the duration of the war. It was to conserve on metal and rubber that could be thrown entirely into products for military service. Repairing the machines you already owned was encouraged. It also enhanced the joke where a precocious little kid on some comedy show or other may tell how they sold a household appliance, or ripped the radiator out of dad's car, or similar mischief. Replacements would be virtually impossible to come across until the war was over. Then there's the obvious rash of women in the workplace that Fibber is dealing with poorly. It freed up men to go off to war, and keep business going as usual.

 Jack Armstrong – Country Of The Head Hunters Ep4. 401205 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:18

Still being pursue by the pirates on a mountain road, Jack and his friends encounter another landslide. They also face the unknown danger of the Agrito tribesmen. Is there time to clear the road? Uncle Jim assures Betty the little men won’t harm a white man unless provoked. They stand by, watching as the guys clear the road. Another landslide nearly crushes the car, and sweeps away an Agrito. Jack springs into action to rescue him, while Sally worries that the pirates will soon catch up. The tribesmen get bows ready for action, getting nervous as uncle Jim tends to the rescued man. Can our heroes assure they mean no harm? Blackbeard, Chepeto and the pirates finally arrive, but we need to wait to see how that encounter goes down next time.

 Lux Radio Theater (CBS) Remember the Night (Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck) 400325 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:19

A court room is an unlikely setting for a love story, especially when its between the prosecutor and the woman on trial. Diamonds are stolen, and word goes out on the street to pick up Anna Rose Malone. The prosecutor, Jack, is looking forward to starting his Christmas vacation, and is looking to hold the case over until after the holiday. The judge isn't going for it. Anna isn't thrilled over Jack's suggestion, but ends up in his custody. Forced to spend the holiday together, Jack learns more about her amnesia claim, and being a kleptomaniac. The two learn they have common roots in Indiana. If they make the trip out of the city together, they stand a chance to spend the holidays at home with relatives. Revisiting her troubled past and relatives, things don't look very rosy for Anna, Jack takes her home with him to meet his family. Passing her off as a business aquaintance, Jack inserts Anna into his well balanced family. Should he break the truth about her to his mother? Mom refuses to believe Anna is anything but charming, and welcomes her despite her shady beginnings. Parties, dances, and soon folks who don't know any better begin to think that Jack and Anna are a couple. With the new year comes the time to face the reality of what waits for them back in the city. Mom lays it out that her son is a hardworking man to get where he is as a lawyer. No free rides for him. Will she be able to turn over a new leaf? Is Jack willing to throw away his hard won career? What will it look like for a lawyer to marry a crook? Back in the court room, Jack is forced to be the hard nosed prosecutor. Is there any hope for a good outcome for the romance?

 A Date With Judy – Aunt Lily’s Wedding. ep26, 420915 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Something big is happening in Judy's life, as she describes it to her brother Randolph. She is taking on a job with the school newspaper. The news of her aunt Lily getting maeried is just the juicy topic for her to sink her teeth into. The Foster's greet aunt Lily as the plans for the wedding kick off. The ceremony is to take place right in the Foster home, but as the girls make the elaborate plans, all the groom wants is to is have a simple ceremony. For that matter, Lily would like to keep the matter simple as well. Judy takes matters into her own hands to spruce up the plain blue suit for the groom. When an addressbook is found in the suit, Judy calls on all Don's old girlfriends to be bridesmaids. Randolph recruits the best man, while Judy continues to hijack the wedding plans to make it into an elaborate affair worthy of a garden party. Mother warns Judy to keep her planning mild. Why are all the brides maids bickering? Why is Mr Manchester upset over his suit? What will Lily think of her two timing fiancee? The violin begins to play, the wedding march starts, but so does a thunderstorm. The soggy wedding party heads indoors to finish upp, but uncle Donald has had enough. He puts his foot down... er make that his hand down... on Judy. to put an end to her meddling.

 Elmer Davis & The News (CBS) Congress Convenes Tomorrow. 400102 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:49

Congress is to convene, and a presidential wish is extended for peace in Europe. There could be disputes between congress and the president on how to accomplish foreign affairs though. It's still early, and unknown who will be the presidential nominee for this year's election. Updates on the progress of the ongoing war on various fronts is made . There's a possible breakdown on British and Russian relations. Meanwhile, Germany warns other countries not to inntervene in it's Finland conflict. Peace talks among the allies stall, since moving forward with them Might allow Germany free reign to take over on the continent.

 Jack Benny – Money Ain’t Everything. ep235, 361206 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Jack has a black eye that gets the attention of all the jokes. How did he manage to get the shiner? A little bit of road rage at the gas station maybe? Mary arrives, but Phil Harris is late. Is some of Phil's evil ways rubbing off on Kenny Baker? Jack acts like a big baby when he deals with reprimanding Kenny and Phil in different ways. Phil plays, Vote for Mr Rhythm. The play begins, Money Isn't Everything, and we join the gang on a yacht. Don is the captain, Jack is Mary's dad, and Mary is a woman on the prowl for a husband. Hobnob along as the puns and jokes flow in the high society setting. Who will win Mary's hand? Phil and Kenny plan a duel, but a last moment telegram changes everything. The snobby party disbands and another Buck Benny installment is planned for next week.

 Six Shooter – A Pressing Engagement. ep12, 531206 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:06

On a nice day of Indian Summer, Brit Poncet finds himself running errands in town. When he breaks up a couple of old timers deeply involved in their fast paced round of checkers, he first gets a hint that something might be brewing for him in town. At the news paper office, the editor has a chip on his shoulder when he is clearly jealous over Brit's upcoming wedding. Certainly big news to Brit. Where did everybody get the notion that Brit was even engaged? It seems that Minnie has been doing some rumor spreading to impress the womenfolk in town, and it just over ran the town with gossip. Brit gets the story when he goes to put Minnie on the spot. Minnie just wanted to use the jealousy factor to force a gentleman caller to make the moves on her daughter Ellen. To put the tangled web of lies shortly, it backfired, and now Brit threatens to expose the mess to set himself free of the bonds of matrimony that hang over him. Commercial time. Actually public service announcement time, since the show was considered sustaining. That means it never had any sponsors directly in support of it. Support your troops by writing to your loved ones serving, whether overseas or in country. And still a great idea for today. Back to the story. Brit's will power melts when he realizes that Ellen actually has a soft spot in her heart for him. It seems that Brit has more than he bargained for when romantic expectations run high. Will this be the end of Brit's free ranging lifestyle? Has he finally been defeated by a mere woman, when other rowdy tough types couldn't bring him down? Brits best defenses to get out of marriage are fended off, but can that jealousy card be played again? When rival Clint, is called on, with pretense to write his newspaper coverage of the blessed event, it'll take some tactul talking from Brit to be able to weasel out of it. The situation borders on the comical when both suitors do their best at humility and downplay. Are they trying to win her hand, or force little Ellen off on the other? In voiceover, Brit shares the outcome, and could there be some regrets?

 Jack Armstrong – Country Of The Head Hunters Ep3. 401204 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:52

Driving through the mountains of Lousanne, our heroes look for the missing professor Lorrie. They still have to keep an eye out behind them for the pirates who are chasing them to get their ring and charts that will lead them to sunken uranium. The rainy season has caused landslides. Will this be the next obstacle to deal with? Good thing our heroes came prepared. Looking down the winding mountain road,Sally can tell the pirates are far behind, or she could spot them. Did Jack see somebody watching him? Uncle Jim tells the kids all about the Agrito people. They’re small, curious, and keep out of sight until they want to be seen. Are they friendly? Uncle Jim thinks so, but their old adversaries the pirates are closing in fast.


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