Jack Benny – Money Ain’t Everything. ep235, 361206

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> Jack has a black eye that gets the attention of all the jokes. How did he manage to get the shiner? A little bit of road rage at the gas station maybe? Mary arrives, but Phil Harris is late. Is some of Phil's evil ways rubbing off on Kenny Baker? Jack acts like a big baby when he deals with reprimanding Kenny and Phil in different ways. Phil plays, Vote for Mr Rhythm. <br> The play begins, Money Isn't Everything, and we join the gang on a yacht. Don is the captain, Jack is Mary's dad, and Mary is a woman on the prowl for a husband. Hobnob along as the puns and jokes flow in the high society setting. Who will win Mary's hand? <br> Phil and Kenny plan a duel, but a last moment telegram changes everything. The snobby party disbands and another Buck Benny installment is planned for next week. <br>