Jack Armstrong – Country Of The Head Hunters Ep3. 401204

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Driving through the mountains of Lousanne, our heroes look for the missing professor Lorrie. They still have to keep an eye out behind them for the pirates who are chasing them to get their ring and charts that will lead them to sunken uranium. <br> The rainy season has caused landslides. Will this be the next obstacle to deal with? Good thing our heroes came prepared. Looking down the winding mountain road,Sally can tell the pirates are far behind, or she could spot them. <br> Did Jack see somebody watching him? Uncle Jim tells the kids all about the Agrito people. They’re small, curious, and keep out of sight until they want to be seen. Are they friendly? <br> Uncle Jim thinks so, but their old adversaries the pirates are closing in fast. <br>