Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Jack Armstrong – Country Of The Head Hunters Ep12. 401217 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:09

Finally in the country of the headhunters and avoiding the pirates, jack and his friends hear drums. Michel acts as their guide, and the kids comment on the sights and sounds of the native village. Do the drums mean a war dance? Betty comments on the lack of women and children outside, but uncle Jim assures her this is where they'll find the constabulary sergeant. Sure enough, he meets them, and uncle Jim reports their damaged car and asks how to find professor Lorrie. The soldier tells them they need to go further into the interior, to another village. To help, he lets our heroes use some of his horses. If unccle Jim can help the soldier, he promises to help get them safely back to Manila bay. It looks like Jack and his friends will soon be right in the middle of a real headhunter camp.

 Lum and Abner – Trapped In the Burning Jot Em Down Store. 451224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

When thieves love the store, the gents are bound, gagged, and locked in the store. Still tied, the gags are removed, but Lum and Abner have had a sleepless night while tied up in the store. They agonize over their loss of not only their money but their grandpap's life savings as well. An amount they borrowed with a hefty interest attached The gents do their best to tear into boxes of food. All Abner has in reach is a box of dog biscuits. As Abner grumbles at being left where he can only reach crackers and school supplies, Lum gets an idea that may help. As the gents wiggle around in their ropes, they soon find themselves in deeper trouble when Lum drops a match he was using to see with. Across the street, grandpap and Dick Huddleston talk in his store. Will they somehow be alerted to trouble in the Jot Em Down store.

 AFRS Presents Christmas Phonograph Album (U-1402-1) Dick Haymes and the Song Spinners; Homer Hall Glee Club; Trinity Choir; The Salom Orchestra Directed by Nathiel Childres. 1940’s | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:06

Playlist Ul> * First Noel ()Dick Haymes and the Song Spinners). * Little Town of Bethlehem (Homer Hall Glee Club). * O Come All Ye Faithful (Trinity Choir). * Jingle Bell Fantasy (The Salom Orchestra Directed by Nathiel Childres).

 Cavalcade of America (NBC) The Green Pastures. 411222 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:52

A classic tale, based on a novel and a Broadway play, repeated from the previous year. Sunday morning in a sleepy Louisiana town, in a small negro church a young lad learns about angels. Church members greet one another, and respond to the pastor's rhythmic message while the choir sings. A fish fry ensues after the service. Is the pastor a miracle worker? Or something more? His people are called angels, and he soon makes the earth, including Adam. Needing a family, he makes Eve, and asks that they only be the kind of children he wants them to be. Summarizing events, the pastor interacts with Cain and Abel. What happens when he meets a sassy little girl singing the blues? Nature is still good, but its mankind who fills the earth with what the pastor can't stand. Sin. He finds a good man in Noah. Rains give the world a fresh start, but it won't last long. He plans to give the best land in the world to the mowst righteous people. Again summarizing events, the pastor leads the people to tumvle the walls of Jericho. It didn't take long for the people to live badly in the good land. Has the pastor had enough of the people he made? Responding to a lone, brave preacher. The pastor changes his approach from wrath to mercy. He finally emplements his plan to send mercy through the sacrifice on the cross. The call is for listeners to review and count blessings. Reflect on what we have as a peace loving world.

 Jack Armstrong – Country Of The Head Hunters Ep11. 401216 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:08

The pirates have followed Jack and Billy into the abandoned gold mine, in search of the luminous ring. The guys can see the flashlight beams searching the dark tunnels for them. The pirates warn the boys that they will soon be found, but their taunts fall short when Jack and Billy spring into action. Smashing the flashlightss, our heroes get away in the scuffle. Chepeto and his pirates have to regroup to develop a new plan. Has uncle Jim and the kids gone deeper into the mine? Seeing a beam of light ahead, Jack and Billy figure they've met up with uncle Jim again. He and Betty compare notes with Jack and Billy. Have they mapped out an escape route? Daylight and blue sky ahead makes Billy feel good.

 AFRS Presents Christmas Phonograph Album (U-1399-2) Dick Haymes & the Song Spinners; Choir, Russian Cathedfas, Paris; Trinity Choir; Stokowsky & Philadelphia Orchestra. 1940’s | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:05

Playlist * Cradle Song of the Virgin (Dick Haymes & the Song Spinners) * Gloria in Excelsis (Choir, Russian Cathedfas, Paris). * Joy to the World (Trinity Choir). * Russian Christmas Music (Stokowsky & Philadelphia Orchestra).

 Voyage of the Scarlet Queen – Red Beard And The Bag Of Pearls. ep25, 471217 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:05

The crew of the Scarlet Queen find themselves in the tribal rituals of a native tribe. As the ship pulls into port, Red Gallagher has grown a flaming red beard. Cargo is dropped off, and a welcoming crew warns that the natives are restless. What has them riled up? A local hotshot has been stealing sacred pearls. Though Carney doesn't want to get involved with the local uprisings, the natives won't see it that way. Before you know it, they've captured Red, and it's up to Carney to rescue him. The natives are known to be ruthless killers, and not prone to let any old white man roam into their camp. Get ready for some high fighting adventure, a plot twist that puts the natives on Carney's side, and that local hotshot who got them so riled gets what's coming to him.

 Lum and Abner – Lum And Abner are Robbed. 451220 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

With the cash drawer stuffed full of money from anybody who wanted to contribute, the gents sit in the store after hours. It's all a ruse to create the image of having high daily sales. They await their potential buyer, Mr. Talbert. He arrives, eager to look at the cash receipts. Though Lum and Abner know exactly how much is there, and Mr. Talbert is willing to take their word, his business partner demands to see it. Hey wait, he ain't counting money, he's taking it to line his pockets. Is that a gun>? When Cedric comes knocking, the gents are forced to act like nothing out of the usual is happening. Can they talk in code to him? Would he understand them if they tried? While the gents get tied up, a phone call gets answered by the thieves. Will anyone come to their rescue? As the thieves make a clean getaway, Lum and Abner are helpless as they are bound, gagged, and locked in the store.

 Jack Armstrong – Country Of The Head Hunters Ep9. 401212 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:37

Uncle Jim and Betty are with a friendly group of Agrito tribesmen, but at the moment no one knows what they are doing. Jack and Billy are joined by Michelle, a former henchman turned friendly, and are chasing after Blackbeard. The Pirates have recently gotten away from the tribesmen, and are also on the way down the mountain. Everyone is chasing Blackbeard Flint, who has stolen the ring and charts to find the uranium. Michelle is a good woodsman and helps identify the trail of Blackbeard. It looks like the pirate has ducked into an abandoned gold mine, but there’s no telling if there are miles of a mine shaft that he could be in or not. The abandoned mine appears to be a large one, but without a flashlight, how far into it can Blackbeard be? Michelle guards the entrance, while Jack and Billy explore inside. The big pirate is quietly laying low, but the luminous ring gives his position away. Blackbeard is upset that Michelle has mutinied on him, but can the three guys take on Blackbeard by themselves? There’s a scuffle in the dark, but who will emerge the winner? Just when Jack and Billy are ready to leave, someone else has entered the mine.

 Bing Crosby (Philco Radio Time) Danny Kaye and Peggy Lee. ep23, 470319 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:33

Audio is muffled sounding. Playlist * Managua Nicaragua (Bing) * Please Me (Peggy Lee) * Linda (Bing) * Danny Kaye jokes with Ving about skat songs. How well might Danny do at crooning? * Begin the Beguine (Danny Kaye) * Danny and Bing joke about music, clothes, Bing's sons, and a newborn for Danny. * Lullabye (Danny Kaye) * Braham's Lullabye (Bing and Danny) * It's A Good Day (Bing and Peggy Lee) * Why Must Love be a Random Thing (Bing)

 Lum and Abner – Borrowing Cash To Make Receipts Look Better. 451219 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Before returning to today's story, a plug is made to recruit qualified officers and seamen for the Merchant Marine. Abner enters with worries from the home, but Lum just doesn't understand since he isn't married. Lum tells how Cedrics' visit to return merchandise embarrassed him in front of Mr. Talbert. Can they patch things up with the big-time buyer? The gents are still making plans to sell out, and Lum claims the thing Mr. Talbert wants most is to see the daily cash receipts. Lum figures he needs to show some cash to back up the inflated sales he has been reporting. Lum plans to mortgage the store and place the money in the till. How much cash can Abbner scrape up from home to add to the cash register? The idea is to pack the drawer with a thousand dollars if they can. To stuff it so full, it will hardly be able to close. Can they borrow money from grandpap? Will he contribute $750? It is his life savings, but it's just for one day to sweeten the deal,, Lum promises 10 dollars interest. Lum's bad math comes out to promising $3000, and of course, grandpap jumps at the deal. Mr. Talbert phones in to arrange to see the cash receipts. After the meeting, tomorrow, will the gents finally get what's coming to them after slaving in the store for over 40 years?

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibber Misplaces Christmas Money. ep343, 421215 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

Fibber frantically searches for his white envelop with his shopping money in it. As Molly tries to keep him calm, Abigail Uppin\gton visits with an opening joke that gives a nod to Red Skelton, and a bit that Ozzie Nelson often does on that show. Abigail gets teased over her job as Santa Claus from last week, and about a moment of young love. Billy Mills plays a little traveling music as the McGee's head downtown. They visit a fortune teller to see if the madam can offer any hints as to where the missing money may be. The fortune teller is voiced by Abigail Uppington, but she can't do more than answer 3 questions at a time. Harlowe Wilcox has his own beef with the fortune teller, which we learn about during his word for the sponsor product. Since Gale Gordon, who plays Mayor Latrivia, has left for military service, the show tries out a new character. A new neighbor from down the street gives the McGee's a grilling to be sure they're doing their part to fully support the war effort. Which department of government is the authoritative sounding man a part of? The Old Timer also pops in to tell about going away for a few weeks, and a train he used to own. The Kingsmen sing, White Christmas. Wallace Wimple has a word about the Christas poetry he writes, and his wifeSweetie Face. He's also going away for a few weeks. Finally Fibber seems to close in on his missing money. Will he be able to get in his shopping? Note: Did you notice how both the Old Timer and Wallace Wimple are going away... for the same length of time? For those who never pay attention to the closing credits, they are both voiced by Bill Thompson who is taking time off. He would eventually also go into the military as a Naval Sea Bee.

 Jack Armstrong – Country Of The Head Hunters Ep8. 401211 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:37

Descending the mountainside Jack, Billy and Michelle keep an eye out for Blackbeard the pirate. The big pirate is spotted way ahead of them, but his approach means he has a cliff between him and the cars. It’s dangerous to go too quickly, even for our sure-footed heroes. When Billy loses his footing, a black beard spots them because of all the noise being made. The race is on, but it’s never safe to move to Hastily. Jack and Billy speculate that if Blackbeard finds the ring and maps, he won’t come back for his pirate friends. Instead, he'll head down the mountain, then on to the sea and look for the uranium on his own. Blackbeard has reached their car! Is there any hope the guys can close the distance? Michelle keeps an eye on Blackbeard's progress, while Jack and Billy look in the car to see if the big pirate somehow missed finding the ring. Michelle reports the rest of the Pirates are on the loose and headed down the cliff in their direction. There’s no time to waste! Everyone is on the move to catch a black beard.

 White House (MBS) Christmas Tree Ceremony. 411224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:20

In the Whitehouse, the tree is being lit on the front lawn for the first time. The community celebration has hundreds of secret police in attendance as both FDR and Winston Churchhill arrive. Opening prayers are in oked for the dedication. Asking for victory in war to continue living in pro-peace and justice. Wisdom on leaders, protection on citizens, purged from hate. The 19-year-old civic event is now going national. Girl scouts wish Christmas geetinbd on Eleanor. Boy scouts salute the president. The president light the tree. and cla9ims her live for the 9th time. FDR continues his speech, how can we light tree in a time of war? Put the world aside to rejoice in the peace of Christ. Arm, make ready hearts to embrace Christmas meaning. look forward to the day of prayer. The new year calls on confident hope, courage, strength in god. Appointed first day 1942 as the day of prayer. The strongest 34apon is the brotherhood of man. Faith in human love. lit tree dedicated to men serving around the globe. Gives honor to Churchill and the fight his people have been doing. Churchhill speaks on family, Christmas, distance from family, but ties to the family at hand. Calling on common beliefs and traditions. In face of global war, assurance of the just cause, of hearth and home. defeating lusts of greed. preserving safety peace, happiness for children. resolve to sacrifice for rights and freedoms. * Carols. O Come All Ye Faithful. * It Came Upon a Midnight Clear. * Silent Night.

 Jack Benny – Buck Benny Rides Again. ep236, 361213 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Don introduces Jack, but he's late, while Mary and the rest of the cast are on time for a change. Don puts a call through the phone operator to get Jack's valet, a heavily accented Chinaman. Jack seems to be jealous of Phil Harris, and wants to shirk his duties on him. Mary, Kenny, and Phil try to talk sense, but Jack refuses to come to the studio. Phil plays, Frost on the Moon. Can the show go on without Jack? Will Phil do as well as Jack as the show emcee? Will Jack stop acting like a baby, and come back to work? A surprising phone call interupts briefly before Kenny Baker sings, Night and Day. Jack gets in some jabs about the talent of Phils orchestra, then the play is announced. Phil plays, It's De Lovely. Now for the next installment of Buck Benny, and his eternal quest for cattle rustler, Cactus Face. The outlaws are taking everything that ain't nailed down, but Buck is distracted by a visit from his gal, Daisy. Will the hard drinking Pappy have any word on Cactus Face? Get ready for a showdown as sheriff Andy Devine swaps promos for the latest movies that he and Jack are in. Will they finally have Cactus Face cornered? PS: Interesting cuckoo clock that Buck has.


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