Lum and Abner – Trapped In the Burning Jot Em Down Store. 451224

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: When thieves love the store, the gents are bound, gagged, and locked in the store. Still tied, the gags are removed, but Lum and Abner have had a sleepless night while tied up in the store. They agonize over their loss of not only their money but their grandpap's life savings as well. An amount they borrowed with a hefty interest attached<br> The gents do their best to tear into boxes of food. All Abner has in reach is a box of dog biscuits. As Abner grumbles at being left where he can only reach crackers and school supplies, Lum gets an idea that may help. <br> As the gents wiggle around in their ropes, they soon find themselves in deeper trouble when Lum drops a match he was using to see with. Across the street, grandpap and Dick Huddleston talk in his store. Will they somehow be alerted to trouble in the Jot Em Down store. <br>