Jack Armstrong – Country Of The Head Hunters Ep9. 401212

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Uncle Jim and Betty are with a friendly group of Agrito tribesmen, but at the moment no one knows what they are doing. Jack and Billy are joined by Michelle, a former henchman turned friendly, and are chasing after Blackbeard. The Pirates have recently gotten away from the tribesmen, and are also on the way down the mountain. Everyone is chasing Blackbeard Flint, who has stolen the ring and charts to find the uranium. <br> Michelle is a good woodsman and helps identify the trail of Blackbeard. It looks like the pirate has ducked into an abandoned gold mine, but there’s no telling if there are miles of a mine shaft that he could be in or not. The abandoned mine appears to be a large one, but without a flashlight, how far into it can Blackbeard be? Michelle guards the entrance, while Jack and Billy explore inside. <br> The big pirate is quietly laying low, but the luminous ring gives his position away. Blackbeard is upset that Michelle has mutinied on him, but can the three guys take on Blackbeard by themselves? There’s a scuffle in the dark, but who will emerge the winner? Just when Jack and Billy are ready to leave, someone else has entered the mine.<br>