Lum and Abner – Borrowing Cash To Make Receipts Look Better. 451219

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Before returning to today's story, a plug is made to recruit qualified officers and seamen for the Merchant Marine. <br> Abner enters with worries from the home, but Lum just doesn't understand since he isn't married. Lum tells how Cedrics' visit to return merchandise embarrassed him in front of Mr. Talbert. Can they patch things up with the big-time buyer? <br> The gents are still making plans to sell out, and Lum claims the thing Mr. Talbert wants most is to see the daily cash receipts. Lum figures he needs to show some cash to back up the inflated sales he has been reporting. <br> Lum plans to mortgage the store and place the money in the till. How much cash can Abbner scrape up from home to add to the cash register? <br> The idea is to pack the drawer with a thousand dollars if they can. To stuff it so full, it will hardly be able to close. Can they borrow money from grandpap? Will he contribute $750? It is his life savings, but it's just for one day<br> to sweeten the deal,, Lum promises 10 dollars interest. Lum's bad math comes out to promising $3000, and of course, grandpap jumps at the deal. <br> Mr. Talbert phones in to arrange to see the cash receipts. After the meeting, tomorrow, will the gents finally get what's coming to them after slaving in the store for over 40 years? <br>