Lum and Abner – Lum And Abner are Robbed. 451220

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: With the cash drawer stuffed full of money from anybody who wanted to contribute, the gents sit in the store after hours. It's all a ruse to create the image of having high daily sales. <br> They await their potential buyer, Mr. Talbert. He arrives, eager to look at the cash receipts. Though Lum and Abner know exactly how much is there, and Mr. Talbert is willing to take their word, his business partner demands to see it. Hey wait, he ain't counting money, he's taking it to line his pockets. Is that a gun&gt;? <br> When Cedric comes knocking, the gents are forced to act like nothing out of the usual is happening. Can they talk in code to him? Would he understand them if they tried?<br> While the gents get tied up, a phone call gets answered by the thieves. Will anyone come to their rescue?<br> As the thieves make a clean getaway, Lum and Abner are helpless as they are bound, gagged, and locked in the store. <br>