Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Lum and Abner – Squire Writes A Newspaper Article About the Incident. 460103 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Back in the Jot Em Down Store, Lum is mad with himself over burning down the tent where his money was stored. Abner tries to console him, but they are still out of cash, and they still owe Grandpap his money with interest. Squire Skimp enters, interviewing the gents on capturing the robbers. Will Lum be distracted by sharing the events of surrounding and apprehending the crooks? There aren't any ulterior motives behind the questions, is there? Exaggerations begin, and Abner gets excited. Though he was there he can't wait to hear how this works out. Through it all, Lum keeps doubting Squires's intent behind the interview. Is Squire up to something?? After Squire leaves, Uncle Henry phones, and Lum finds out the secret behind the visit, but we'll need to wait until next time to learn the answer.

 Jack Armstrong – Adventure Of The Sunken Reef Ep3. 401225 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:20

Under typhoon winds, the schooner Spindrift hopes to give the pirates on the black Shark the slip, So far, the crew hasn't been able to spot the Black Shark, and uncle Jim's plan seems to be working. Jack and Billy sail, while uncle Jim navigates. Wait! Is that the Black Shark ahead of them? The crew monitor radio transmissions to intercept messages from the pirate ship. Maybe there's hope that the BlackShark will miss them in the storm. Search lights point in the direction of the Spindrift. Will they have trouble? Is there still a chance the sailing ship can out run or out maneuver the diesel powered Black Shark? If anyone can get them out of this mess its uncle Jim.

 Whistler – Next Year is Mine. ep239, 461223 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

The newspaper had a special edition to get out, but the editor takes time to listen to the choir's sing Christmas carols in the next building. Johnny Hale is a prisoner who closes up the newspaper shop to talk to a guard, and an aging prisoner. Ed is an oldtimer on a life sentence, who almost seems content with the life that he has been dealt, paying for the crime he committed all those years ago. Johnny has only 6 months left, and is more of a hot head about the rules imposed on prisoners, and the infractions on privacy and liberties. Well duh... it's prison. That's what it's there to do. Though the warden isn't sympathetic, Johnny claims that by next Christmas, he'll be back at his job at a newspaper, and he'll have something to put into print about this matter. It has been several days since the conversation with the warden, and it's Christmas day. Johnny's still upset at the incident with the censorship of old Ed's letters. When he hears prisoners in the yard laughing, he learns it's because they're reading Eds mail. The fight that ensues, combined with the rules blend to land Johnny in solitary for a while. When he's out, Johnny gets the chance to read some comforting words to Ed as he breathes his last. Where is this story leading? Will the warden learn a lesson from Johnny's insistence on being treated with dignity? Will he follow up on Ed's last request? The Whistler unlocks a secret that changes attitudes for Johnny and the warden. The Christmas spirit has a way of turning emotions around once secrets are layed bare.

 Lum and Abner – Burn Robbers Tent And Money. 460102 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Cedric joins his friends to learn about their night time excursion to find the robbers. It was too dark for them to find anything, so Cedric shares some tips on his favorite squirrel hunting places. Tramping through the bushes, Cedric does some bird calls, in case there's a good chance of scaring up any game. Lum puts a stop to the noise when they stumble upon a campsite. Plans are made to sneak up on the crooks and burn down their tent. There's nobody around. But wait! Here they come. The trap is set. A fire is started. The robbers are caught, but they reveal a secret about where the money is hidden. It was in a tent.

 Red Skelton – Embarrassments. ep52, 421229 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:56

Red is impressed with the activity at the local shipyard.Ozzie and Harriet are onboard to share their own jokes on boating. Red reads the latest letter from WonderfulSmith while he's away at boot camp. Ozzie and harriet sing, Why Shouldn't I Have You? Bert and Gert, the newly married couple from New Jersey drive to their California home. They settle into their love nest, but the finance man comes around to repossess a few things. Here he is... Clem Kadidddlehopper. What embarrassmentss await him? He shows off a new tattoo to his best gal, Daisy June. She needs help to keep the finance man from taking her things away. Maybe the newspaper want ads will help. Clem vows to fight for his gal, and finds himself on the way to the boxing ring. Will his muscular physique convince the trainer that he's a boxer? Yeah, right. Ozzie plays, Me and My Gal. Red and Ozzzie swap poetic ideas to promote the sponsor product. Junior doesn't get embarrassed, he's the source of embarrassment for his mom. Grandpa is to come for a visit, and Junior cleans up and shaves his head. Will the old guy spoil his grandson? There's plenty for Junior to break as he runs errands for mom. Junior tells secrets on his mom, but manages to keep her from snapping and running away.

 Jack Armstrong – Adventure Of The Sunken Reef Ep2. 401224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:33

As typhoon winds blow over Manila, the crew of the Spindrift prepare to set sail, along with their extra crewman, Michel. AsBilly and Jack work the sails, they see their rival, the Black Shark also getting ready to weigh anchor. The smaller ship uses a diesel engine, so won't have the same troubles the Spindrift might. In the low visibility, Jack is sure the Black Shark can't see the Spindrift getting ready. As radio reports advise ships to stay in harbor, another man is seen in the water. Is it another of the henchmen from the pirates jumping ship? Michel thinks its crazy to set sail in a typhoon, but trusts his new friends. Just as the Spindrift passes the breakwater, searchlights are seen from the Black Shark. Are the pirates onto them?

 Casey, Crime Photographer – The Santa Claus Of Bums Blvd. 471225. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:09

It's that time of year for Casey, Ann, and Ethylbert as they groan about having to work on the Christmas holiday. It's all just a hazard of their prospective jobs. As tired as they are, Ethylbert stays in the Blue Note to serve up the holiday drinks, while Ann and Casey head out on the street to get their latest story. Meet the characters on Bum's Blvd. There's a couple people that Casey recognizes, and their stories unfold, there's also a mixture of bums, street people, and the homeless, some more honest than others. When Casey discovers a man in a Santa suit who was robbed, he sets out to help the overly trusting santa. Can he get the stolen money back? Mr Shepherd, the man in the Santa suit, has the highest belief that the crook is actually honest, and will return the money. Is Casey's outlook too synical? Is there hope to find virtues among the people of the gritty street life? Shepherd has come to the street to help people, but will he connect with the one he came to give the money to? Stand by for the ending, and join Casey back in the Blue Note where a message of hope is offered. The world might just be one big family afterall. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Sam Spade on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00BDR8A9M,B006421JJY,1570196451,1932806229"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 Jack Benny – Buck Benny Rides Again and Again. ep238, 361227 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

In the aftermath of Christmas, Jack talks with Don Wilson about the presents they got. Might there be a little re-gifting going on? Jack brags about his pal Phil, and the watch he gave to Jack. Kenny tells about his gifts, and Mary reads a lletter from her family. Kenny Baker sings, The Night is Young and You Are So Beautiful. Though Phil is late, Jack is much more forgiving of his new found friend, especially with the fancy new watch. A telegram from Fred Allen, and others arrives with Christmas greetings. When Phil arrives, the sugary sweet friendship is just a little over the top. Phil plays, A Find Romance. After a few sappy comments on Jack's latest film, College Holiday, the next installment of Buck Benny begins. How's the hunt for Cactus Face going? Will the Christmas spirit allow for some forgiveness for the outlaw? Out on the range, Buck stops in at Daisy's house for a little New Year festivities. Sheriff Andy Devine joins the party, and some last moment gift exchanging goes on. Cactus Face seems forgoten as the gang all join together to sing, Sing Baby Sing, with special lyrics. Ring in the new year, and get a clue for where the hunt for Cactus Face Elmer may go next! PS: The watch from Phil becomes a running gag, that comes to a head later in the season. Mary drops a hint at how it'll end. In her letter, Mary mentions her brother Hilliard. He really was her brothr, and far from the crazy antics might hint at, he later joined the show to help produce them in well into the television years.

 Six Shooter – Cora Plummer. ep15, 531227 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:38

It was a dark and stormy night. Britt describes the wet Western scene as he rides into town to seek shelter. A young fellow comes to talk with him, a friend from Britt's past. Cal seems to be troubled, but only drops hints for Britt. The story that begins to shake out is that Cal's looking to move away from his life in town, his dad died, and mom got married only ten months later. Is the man trying to move on mom for her ranch and money? As Britt visits the doc to have his injured hand tended to, he learns the whole town was surprised over the wedding of Cora Plummer, and Cal was looking to head out of town to hel the sheriff look for his shady new dad. Hey, gotta love that high tech cure, Ebson Salts, the cure all drug of the old West. After leaving the doc, Britt stops in at the hotel just in time for a steak dinner. And at the price of a whopping 35 cents. He didn't get ripped off at those high restaurant prices did he? Ridiculously low, even for 1953 standards, but I think if you calculate in inflation over the decades, it might be in the neighborhood of a $10 meal today. Give or take a little. Britt finally gets to Cora's place where the doc is performing his medical duties. The plot thickens when Britt doesn't trust the stories that he's now hearing about Cora and her new hubby. Is he as shady as the story has implied? Is Cora being taken by a sneaky man who is just after her money? Emotions come to a boil, and it's time for Britt to do what he does best, and act as a calming force to settle the situation. Cora finally gets her chance to tell her story, and has some long hidden secrets of her own that she is forced to spill as well. The lies and skeletons all come roaring out of the closet, and Cal is amazed at the truth.

 Jack Benny – New Years Eve Skit. ep462, 421227 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:28

Audio is poor and skips a little, more at the beginning than later. The gang tell about their recent Christmas gifts. Benny Goodman is back to join the fun over the mixed up gifts. The cast wonder how they will manage their annual end of year play with Phil Harris gone The actor who is sent olver by the acting agency turns out to be Fred Allen. Jack pretends to not recognize his famous rival, as he fills him in on the expectations of the role of Uncle Sam. Ad libs reign as they work out the salary in the sponsor product. Benny Goodman's number is cut, then the p;lay begins. Jack still has to explain his allogorical, end of year sketch, this time to Dennis. The year is re viewed with a touch of humor and sebntiment as 1942 rolls ibnto 1943. Complete with pop culture, war developments, and more.

 Jack Armstrong – Adventure Of The Sunken Reef Ep1. 401223 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:34

Back on Manila Bay, a storm brews, and winds kick up. While on watch, Betty sees somebody go overboard. She rushes for help from Jack, Billy and uncle Jim. Uncle Jim goes to check on the matter, leaving the kids to remark on the typhoon winds, and the hazards it brings. A weather report comes over the radio, and the kids turn it up to get the news on the movement of the storm. How will it impact their trip to the Sulu Sea? Uncle Jim has returned, but has he brought someone with him? Going out into the storm, Jack and Billy find their friend, Michel. The henchman for the pirates tells that he wants to part ways with them, and sail with Jack on the Spindrift. Confident in the weather report, uncle Jim decides to set sail tonight, even while the storm rages.

 The Shadow – The Stockings Were Hung (MBS). 391224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:53

Looking in on the Grover family, we find they are a family in need. Margot, and Lamont learn from the newsboy about the business loss, and the single father who is doing his best to provide for his family. Lamont goes his own way to pick up some last moment gifts, hiring a cab to act as his Santa's sleigh. Converging on the Grover home, Margot and Lamont lavish on the gifts, food, and peace on earth, as they help Spike get his Christmas tree. There's still a problem, dad is missing. Going to police headquarters, Lamont gets a search started. How are the kids holding up? What's the conflict between Grover and his boss? Will it require the Shadow to swing into action? Is there going to be criminal entanglements? The miserly, mean, curmudgeonly boss gets a visit he might not like so well. Dad makes it home with Lamont, and the Christmas surprises begin.

 Lum and Abner – Old Style Bills. 460101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

After a mishap, the gents soon clear their names and the hunt for the robbers continue. Lum isn't inclined to go tramping around the hills, looking for someone who is likely far from Pine Ridge. Abner reminds his friend that they need to do something quick to repay their main creditor, grandpap. Speaking of grandpap, he enters to remind the gents of the growing interest in his money. When Abner flashes some money, grandpappy recognizes the old fashioned large bills. Where did Abner get those bills from, and does he have the rest of grandpap's money? The gents remember that they got the cash from the cantankerous gas station owner. It's back to the gas station to see if the man remembers who gave him the old style bills.

 Jack Armstrong – Country Of The Head Hunters Ep15. 401220 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:36

The natives in the head hunter camp are working themselves into a frenzy. Will danger be in store for Jack and his friends? They had expected to find sergeant Romero and a compliment of constabulary soldiers. Instead, they find only one soldier. How much help will he be in fending off the natives? Even their Agrito friends are standoffish in the face of the head hunters. Betty is terrified as the group seek shelterr bback inside the protection f the mummy cave. The kids keep the commentary coming as the natives put their shields up, posturing for battle. Has their presence somehow riled the natives? Is there a way to get word to the sergeant, and the constabulary? War dances come to a halt as Romero comes on the scene. What can he tell uncle Jim about the missing proffessor Lorrie? The group plan on having their questions answered as the sergeant escorts them safely down the mountain, and back to their schooner in Manila Bay.

 Life with Luigi – Gifts for Pasquale. ep62, 491220 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:45

Luigi writes home to his mama to tell her about the strange custom of Americans to migrate from their houses to department stores. His friend Pasquali comes over to drop hints about getting him something special for Christmas. When Luigi rushes out for his English class he drops an envelop with his Christmas shopping list in it, along with all his shopping money. Pasquali sneaks a peek, and is upset to see that he isn't on Luigi's list. In the English class where gifts are exchanged, Luigi offers hints of his special gift for Pasquali. What can it be? Suddenly realizing he lost his envelope, Luigi is in distress over it. Pasquali pretends to not know what happened to the cash, and gives Luigi the cold shoulder. Will Luigi be in trouble with his classmates if he regifts his expensive and engraved fountain pen to Pasquali? Being put on the spot, Luigi tells exactly what his special gift to Pasquali was supposed to be, and Pasquali suddenly feels like a heel. Christmas wishes have a way of working out, and Pasquali gets his gift anyway. Now how can he give back Luigi's money without looking like a fool?


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