Jack Armstrong – Country Of The Head Hunters Ep15. 401220

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The natives in the head hunter camp are working themselves into a frenzy. Will danger be in store for Jack and his friends? They had expected to find sergeant Romero and a compliment of constabulary soldiers. Instead, they find only one soldier. How much help will he be in fending off the natives? <br> Even their Agrito friends are standoffish in the face of the head hunters. <br> Betty is terrified as the group seek shelterr bback inside the protection f the mummy cave. The kids keep the commentary coming as the natives put their shields up, posturing for battle. Has their presence somehow riled the natives? Is there a way to get word to the sergeant, and the constabulary? <br> War dances come to a halt as Romero comes on the scene. What can he tell uncle Jim about the missing proffessor Lorrie? The group plan on having their questions answered as the sergeant escorts them safely down the mountain, and back to their schooner in Manila Bay. <br>