Six Shooter – Cora Plummer. ep15, 531227

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: It was a dark and stormy night. Britt describes the wet Western scene as he rides into town to seek shelter. A young fellow comes to talk with him, a friend from Britt's past. Cal seems to be troubled, but only drops hints for Britt. <br> The story that begins to shake out is that Cal's looking to move away from his life in town, his dad died, and mom got married only ten months later. Is the man trying to move on mom for her ranch and money? <br> As Britt visits the doc to have his injured hand tended to, he learns the whole town was surprised over the wedding of Cora Plummer, and Cal was looking to head out of town to hel the sheriff look for his shady new dad. Hey, gotta love that high tech cure, Ebson Salts, the cure all drug of the old West. <br> After leaving the doc, Britt stops in at the hotel just in time for a steak dinner. And at the price of a whopping 35 cents. He didn't get ripped off at those high restaurant prices did he? Ridiculously low, even for 1953 standards, but I think if you calculate in inflation over the decades, it might be in the neighborhood of a $10 meal today. Give or take a little. <br> Britt finally gets to Cora's place where the doc is performing his medical duties. The plot thickens when Britt doesn't trust the stories that he's now hearing about Cora and her new hubby. Is he as shady as the story has implied? Is Cora being taken by a sneaky man who is just after her money? <br> Emotions come to a boil, and it's time for Britt to do what he does best, and act as a calming force to settle the situation. Cora finally gets her chance to tell her story, and has some long hidden secrets of her own that she is forced to spill as well. The lies and skeletons all come roaring out of the closet, and Cal is amazed at the truth. <br>