Jack Armstrong – Adventure Of The Sunken Reef Ep2. 401224

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: As typhoon winds blow over Manila, the crew of the Spindrift prepare to set sail, along with their extra crewman, Michel. AsBilly and Jack work the sails, they see their rival, the Black Shark also getting ready to weigh anchor. The smaller ship uses a diesel engine, so won't have the same troubles the Spindrift might. <br> In the low visibility, Jack is sure the Black Shark can't see the Spindrift getting ready. As radio reports advise ships to stay in harbor, another man is seen in the water. Is it another of the henchmen from the pirates jumping ship? Michel thinks its crazy to set sail in a typhoon, but trusts his new friends. Just as the Spindrift passes the breakwater, searchlights are seen from the Black Shark. Are the pirates onto them? <br>