Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Jack Armstrong – Zambo Anga Adventure Ep 11. 410120 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:21

Held prisoner, Jack, and his friends watch helplessly as the native tribesmen go through their packs. Previously they pranked the natives into believing their pack horses could talk. Is there any hope of repeating the stunt? Their friend Michel thinks he knows what the natives are up to, and the gang makes plans to get their hands back on their walkie talkies. Uncle Jim goes to pretend to inspect the pack horses, but it’s just to distract the natives. The horse speaks again, but will the superstitious tribesmen be as scared of the threat as before? It’s enough to get them to cooperate in finding the Morel peddler.

 Jack Benny – Jack Is To Play The Bee. ep243, 370131 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:34

Feeling a little under the weather, Jack tells how he got a cold at the race track. Everybody seems to have had better luck at the track than Jack did. Between all the jokes about betting on the horses at the track, jabs are taken at Fred Allen. Phil Harris plays, St Louis Blues. After a visit to Phil’s fictional mom and sister, Jack’s pulse is all aflutter. Mary reads her letter from her mom, and we hear about the outbreak of colds back home. After more teasing about the cold and flu season, and jabs at Jack playing the Bee, Kenny Baker sings, Sweetheart Lets Grow Old Together. Lucy Belle arrives. Will the cast behave, and help Jack make a good impression. What secrets will be revealed about nicknames, and real names? Will Jack have any new competition for the hand of Lucy Belle? Phil plays, Remember. As Jack sends the cast on their way, he announces his plan to play the Bee next week. Drifting to sleep with Fred Allen on his mind, a nightmare plagues Jack. Will the images of Fred Allen, and the Bee cause Jack grief?

 Six Shooter – Trail To Sunset. ep20, 540131 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:31

It had been a snowy night that left the countryside paited in a picturesque landscape. Britt describes the scene as he makes a campfire to start his day. When a horse thief tries to swipe Britt’s horse, a gun battle kicks off that ends up with Britt standing over the badly wounded man. The fugitive bandit makes a death bed confession of his misdeeds. Despite the seriousness of he injuries, and the list of past crimes, Britt offers to get the man medical help, and relief from his pains. With the extra man on horseback with Britt, he rides to the town of Sunset, and encounters the posse. But the posse isn’t looking for Britt’s man. So who really did pull off the recent robbery and murder? Britt is certain that his man did it, due to his confession, but the posse has already lynched their man. Does it really matter since the posse’s man was a long time known outlaw, and Britt’s man died of his wounds? Still, Britt knows the truth, and the posse worries what he may say when he goes into town. There’s a faceoff with the posse leaders as their own guilt burns to make their shame come screaming to the surface. I don’t think they need to worry about Britt so much as with the life time of living with guilt they all face.

 Screen Guild Theater (CBS) The Juggler of Our Lady. 421221 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:15

Same as: Screen Guild Theater – Juggler of Notre Dame. 401222 Featuring Nelson Eddie, and Ronald Coleman in this legendary story from France. Ronald Coleman narrates the story of Barnaby, the singing juggler. When weather was good, Barnaby could spend the day earning his money. On a particularly rainy, cold day, strains of Christmas music came to him. A young monk made an impression on Barnaby, with the joy in his song. Inside the dining hall of the monistary the juggler was further impressed at the hospitality and good natur of his hosts. Good news through song continue. Overcome with emotion, and shamed of his illiteracy, Barnaby vowed to join the monks, even if all he could do is serve in the kitchen, dcThe monks applied their knowledge and skills to put on a worship service at Christmas. But what could Barnaby contribute? What else? He juggled for the baby in the manger. Has his simple gift been accepted?

 Lum and Abner – The Governor of Arkansas. 460128 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

In the Jot Em Down store today, Grandpap is upset. After he and Squires Skimp raced out to stop the dual what do they find? Lum and Abner had already made up and were sitting together on Cedrick’s running board. Grandpap is upset that they couldn’t conduct a proper dual. But Abner lets him know that they discussed the matter, and found out how the misunderstandings got them into trouble. Abner now confronts Grandpap, that he has been at the center of the misunderstandings, and accidents. He threatens to run Grandpap out of town so far that radar won’t help him find his way back. Grandpap doubts that Abner knows a thing about radar, but he says little pearl is dating a Navy man who knows another Navy man who knows plenty about it. Lum enters and manages to calm the gents down. Grandpap can take a hint! He can fall into a house! Lum thinks it’s silly that the two for arguing about a topic neither of them knows anything about. The bickering is ended when a stranger enters asking about a notary public. The dignified man needs to mail a letter. While Abner finds the seal, Lum shows off the lodge picture that has the whole gang in it. Not impressed with Abners over-eagerness, and not even having signed the document yet, the man notices his seal is out of date. When Lum tries to impress him by claiming he knows the governor, the man reveals his identity. He is the governor.

 A Date With Judy – The Frank Sinatra Buildup. ep43, 440222 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:25

Judy Foster and her brother Randolph shop for the perfect anniversary gift for their parents. Should it be a stack of Frank Sinatra records, or a nice cigar and a smoking jacket? With only $3 to spend, they settle on a night out at the movies. At home, mom and dad make their plans. With an important business client to impress, mom thinks Mr. Gibbons might be impressed by meeting the whole family. Frank Nelson is the cantankerous old Mr. Gibbons, and though he likes Judy well enough, he isn’t so keen on the modern jazz and jive stuff kids listen to these days. Learning about the amateur show at the Bijou from her friend Mitsie, Judy plans on helping out Mitsie’s boyfriend by swooning over his performance. Can she get her mom to swoon as well? Judy organizes a team of squealers and swooners and listens as Willie practices so the girls can put the oomph into their squeals. What will Willie Gibbons father think of the whole production? Since her parents keep their distance by taking Mr. Gibbons out to dinner, Judy has time to add a few finishing touches to her plans. Mr. Gibbons tolerates the choice in movies and entertainment since it is the Foster’s anniversary. The big moment arrives, Willie sings, but is the choice of the Frank Sinatra songs going to be over the top for the crotchety client? Maybe Randolph can boost the squeals and swooning.

 Jack Armstrong – Zambo Anga Adventure Ep10. 410117 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:48

Led by a tribal chief and a band of warriors, who give an occasional worried glance back at the magic horse, Jack Armstrong, and his friends march toward their goal. Jack had fooled them into thinking the horse could talk, using a walkie talkie set. Approaching the village, will the talking horse prove just as effective? The old peddler comes out and examines the horse. Will he find the radio set? Does he even know what it is? Uncle Jim questions him about the wristwatch, but the peddler doesn’t like white men. what will it take to get the old trader to talk? Jack agrees to swap the pedometer for the watch. Does he have a trick up his sleeve? Does he plan on using the talking horse to get information about professor Lorrie? When the natives grab Michel, the hope of a talking horse in the Morel dialect is lost. Will uncle Jim’s rifle do any good? Jack has a secret, and though our heroes are taken prisoner, he lets his friends know they have a friend in camp.

 The Whistler – Death Demands a Payment. ep83, 431219 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:42

Two convicts in prison. One desiring to go straight, the other with a devious plan. Elsewhere on a dark and stormy night, a young couple need to seek shelter when their car breaks down. An old gas station attendant directs them to the only hotel around. The darkened building seems deserted. Have the young travellers lost their way? If the spooky old woman is enough to make the couple want to push the limits of their tired out engine a little further, her mentqally challenged son drives the creep factor higher. Should they just give up omn the creepy old woman and her mysterious double talk about no rooms, no lights, and no other hotels? Their choice is limited when their immovable car is gon. Forget their dreams of a future in California, how about dreaming of surviving the night. In the night, another car approaches. Screams and gunshots in the night bring the couple from their room, and find themselves explaining the scene to cops who arrive. Where is the old woman and her son? The story of a long ago murder is shared. Has this been a supernatural moment of justice? The Whistler knows, and reveals all the twists of justice.

 Jack Armstrong – Zambo Anga Adventure Ep9. 410116 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:27

Walking the trail to find the old peddler, Jack has just had his pedometer stolen. Without it, our heroes could be hopelessly lost. He and Billy have a plan to use walkie talkies to get the precious device back. Their friend Michel joins the act. He'll make the horse with the radio set in its pack also speak the Morel dialect. once the natives learn of the talking horse, Betty worries they might try to kill it. Uncle Jim assures her that they won't harm it if they think it's magic. Demanding the odometer, the natives laugh at uncle Jim and the idea of a talking horse. Until the horse speaks. When Jack, as the horse demands the odometer, the natives are restless but don't give it up. What will happen when Michel takes the mic and tells the Morels they are lying. Not only do the fierce warriors cower and return the pedometer, but they also give our heroes fhgivre free passage.

 Voyage of the Scarlet Queen – The Bubble Dancer And The Buccaneers. ep31, 480128. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

On the open seas, a life raft is spotted, and the passenger brought aboard the Scarlet Queen. The girl, full of machine gun slugs, is clearly dead. Still, she was alive long enough to warn about going near the reef. Sounds like the safe thing to do. But when were Philip and Red ever the safe types? Get ready as Philip confronts the scruffy band about the killing, and the treasure that inspired it. Thinking fast, Philip and Red pose as a couple of pirates so they can gain access to the treasure. Will they live long enough to turn the situation over to the authorities? Finding some common ground with a bubble dancer who is also held captive, Philip plans their escape. Suspenseful voiceover, dramatic fight scenes, and the exciting conclusion finds Carney with more cargo than he counted on.

 Lum and Abner – The Rules of Dueling. 460124 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Abner and his second, Cedric wait for the other half of the dueling party. It’s taking so long, Abner wishes he would’ve packed a lunch. He just knew Lum wouldn’t show up. As Cedric tries to tell time on his watch, Lum approaches with his second, Mousey Gray. The two seconds give each other a modern-day greeting, "Hubba hubba." Although Cedric's not sure what it means, all the kids at the schoolhouse say it. Lum explains the rules of dueling to Abner. Will Abner go for it, when he is told they need to turn their backs to each other? He then gets confused, wondering how they can shoot each other with her backs turned. Is this going to be like one of those carnival acts? Abner thinks that Lum will somehow have an advantage since his legs are longer and he can take bigger steps. Before the pacing can begin, Abner gets riled up and threatens to take Lum in a fistfight. Lum forgets an important rule, he needs to slap Abner in the face with a glove. Abner feels that there ought to be a rule about hiding behind trees. With all the rules settled, the gents pace the distance. Elsewhere, Squier Skimp and Grandpap try to figure out how they can keep their friends from dueling. Squier reports that since neither of the gents passed their physicals, they don’t have a policy. Can they get to Pin Oaks Flats in time?

 Wild Bill Hickock – The Stranger. ep118, 521229 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:46

Banker Smokey Riggs has been getting threatening notes from someone known only as, theStranger. The latest note warns that Bill can't stop the killing, or the killings of 4 other men. Can he identify any of them or warn them before its too late? The body count piles up as the notes keep coming. Can the local sheriff offer any information on strangers in town? He isn't much help, but manages to offer enough clues to send Bill out to the old silver mine. Is the man hiding there the final victim? Or is he the Stranger? Bill thinks he knows, so takes Steve to town to put his plan in motion. Blazing guns send Bill in the right direction, but not before another killing by the Stranger. A clue is found that clears up the mystery, but it still means some hard riding for Bill and Jingles.

 Barry Craig – Song of Death. 511226 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:18

Hanging around the docks at the Westside pier, Barry Craig responds to a woman in trouble. The rescue of the drowning victim gets the attention of the mayor, and a bundle of lies to unravel. Was she pushed, or not? A critical voice on the other end of a phone call offers some clues. After the drip drying dame has a change of clothes, she and Barry retrace her steps. All it does is win Barry a thump on the head. Reporting all he knows to the cops about the missing Susan Lake. Can he prevent the blond from being killed? Warning ssshots ring out, and Barry springs into action. This time its to rescue a janitor. What does the old gent have to do with the fujittive woman? What does a song writer named Marlowwe have to do with the kidnappingg? Barry recognizes the janitor as a petty thief. Tracking down Marlowe, Barry finds himself on the business end of a gun. Details of a fraud racket emerge. Is Barry any closer to finding Susan? The cops report that they may have tracked her to a warehouse. There's still some details Barry wants to clear up regarding the music scandal, and exactly what happened just before rescuing Susan. Lies are exposed. Case solved.

 Jack Armstrong – Zambo Anga Adventure Ep8. 410115 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:16

Determined to catch up to a Morel peddler who may have a connection to the missing professor Lorrie, Jack and his friends are met by a band of Morel natives. Betty is worried and even Billy is concerned at their looks. Uncle Jim finds one of the natives who speak English, but how well will the conversation go? He tries to assure the worried Betty that it's going to be fine. Then the Morels begin looking through the packs on the horses. What do they think of the pedometer and modern gadgets Jack has in the horse's packs? To lose his pedometer could be dangerous. Uncle Jim is about ready to use his hunting rifle when the natives steal what they want and disappear into the jungle. He's determined to get the items back, but it's more important to find professor Lorrie. . Jack has a plan to pull a magic trick on the natives with the walkie talkies. Will it fool the Morels into thinking the horses are talking?

 Lum and Abner – Lum and Abner Will Duel. 460123 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

After scaring Cedric into believing that his root beer was poisoned, Lum and Abner try to convince him he’s OK. How is his pulse? Is he turning green? Sending Cedric on his Way, Abner and Grandpap talk about how nervous this ordeal is making Abner. Grandpap recommends this come to a showdown. Having it out and a man to man talk. It’s about time to get this thing out in the open. Abner agrees, and we change scenes to Squires Skimps office. Lum is complaining about a pebble in his shoe. As he confides with a squire, he gets the same kind of advice. It’s about time to get this out in the open. Has it come to the time to get the law involved if Abner doesn't stop his threatening behavior? Confronting each other, they let the other know that they have a gun on them. Which one will go first in the disarming process? Will, they’re peaceful showdown ended up with gunshots? Lum insist on a dual at sunrise, or maybe at sundown, when do they do these things anyway? Abner agrees to face off at noon, and it’s looking like this could have a tragic climax.


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