Jack Benny – Jack Is To Play The Bee. ep243, 370131

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Feeling a little under the weather, Jack tells how he got a cold at the race track. Everybody seems to have had better luck at the track than Jack did. Between all the jokes about betting on the horses at the track, jabs are taken at Fred Allen. Phil Harris plays, St Louis Blues. <br> After a visit to Phil’s fictional mom and sister, Jack’s pulse is all aflutter. Mary reads her letter from her mom, and we hear about the outbreak of colds back home. After more teasing about the cold and flu season, and jabs at Jack playing the Bee, Kenny Baker sings, Sweetheart Lets Grow Old Together. <br> Lucy Belle arrives. Will the cast behave, and help Jack make a good impression. What secrets will be revealed about nicknames, and real names? Will Jack have any new competition for the hand of Lucy Belle? Phil plays, Remember. <br> As Jack sends the cast on their way, he announces his plan to play the Bee next week. Drifting to sleep with Fred Allen on his mind, a nightmare plagues Jack. Will the images of Fred Allen, and the Bee cause Jack grief? <br>