Jack Armstrong – Zambo Anga Adventure Ep9. 410116

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Walking the trail to find the old peddler, Jack has just had his pedometer stolen. Without it, our heroes could be hopelessly lost. He and Billy have a plan to use walkie talkies to get the precious device back. <br> Their friend Michel joins the act. He'll make the horse with the radio set in its pack also speak the Morel dialect. once the natives learn of the talking horse, Betty worries they might try to kill it. Uncle Jim assures her that they won't harm it if they think it's magic. <br> Demanding the odometer, the natives laugh at uncle Jim and the idea of a talking horse. Until the horse speaks. When Jack, as the horse demands the odometer, the natives are restless but don't give it up. <br> What will happen when Michel takes the mic and tells the Morels they are lying. Not only do the fierce warriors cower and return the pedometer, but they also give our heroes fhgivre free passage. <br>