Jack Armstrong – Zambo Anga Adventure Ep8. 410115

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Determined to catch up to a Morel peddler who may have a connection to the missing professor Lorrie, Jack and his friends are met by a band of Morel natives. Betty is worried and even Billy is concerned at their looks. Uncle Jim finds one of the natives who speak English, but how well will the conversation go? <br> He tries to assure the worried Betty that it's going to be fine. Then the Morels begin looking through the packs on the horses. What do they think of the pedometer and modern gadgets Jack has in the horse's packs? To lose his pedometer could be dangerous. <br> Uncle Jim is about ready to use his hunting rifle when the natives steal what they want and disappear into the jungle. He's determined to get the items back, but it's more important to find professor Lorrie. . Jack has a plan to pull a magic trick on the natives with the walkie talkies. Will it fool the Morels into thinking the horses are talking? <br>