Life with Luigi – Gifts for Pasquale. ep62, 491220

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Luigi writes home to his mama to tell her about the strange custom of Americans to migrate from their houses to department stores. His friend Pasquali comes over to drop hints about getting him something special for Christmas. When Luigi rushes out for his English class he drops an envelop with his Christmas shopping list in it, along with all his shopping money. Pasquali sneaks a peek, and is upset to see that he isn't on Luigi's list. <br> In the English class where gifts are exchanged, Luigi offers hints of his special gift for Pasquali. What can it be? Suddenly realizing he lost his envelope, Luigi is in distress over it. Pasquali pretends to not know what happened to the cash, and gives Luigi the cold shoulder. Will Luigi be in trouble with his classmates if he regifts his expensive and engraved fountain pen to Pasquali? <br> Being put on the spot, Luigi tells exactly what his special gift to Pasquali was supposed to be, and Pasquali suddenly feels like a heel. Christmas wishes have a way of working out, and Pasquali gets his gift anyway. Now how can he give back Luigi's money without looking like a fool? <br>