Jack Armstrong – Country Of The Head Hunters Ep12. 401217

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Finally in the country of the headhunters and avoiding the pirates, jack and his friends hear drums. Michel acts as their guide, and the kids comment on the sights and sounds of the native village. Do the drums mean a war dance? <br> Betty comments on the lack of women and children outside, but uncle Jim assures her this is where they'll find the constabulary sergeant. Sure enough, he meets them, and uncle Jim reports their damaged car and asks how to find professor Lorrie. <br> The soldier tells them they need to go further into the interior, to another village. <br> To help, he lets our heroes use some of his horses. If unccle Jim can help the soldier, he promises to help get them safely back to Manila bay. It looks like Jack and his friends will soon be right in the middle of a real headhunter camp. <br>