Jack Benny – From New York. ep460,, 421213

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Audio quality is good, but not the best. Also some of the musical bits and commercials are chopped, including cutting the ending short. <br> Don and Jack joke about their hotel arrangements for their trip to New York. Girl bellhops are a point of humor, especially with the entry of large numbers of women now entering the workforce to help with the war effort. Mary arrives to poke fun at the guest bandleader, Benny Goodman. She has her own flavor of jokes about her living arrangements. g Dennis may have the best joke of all, when he claims to be staying at the YWCA. There's a guest appearance by Fred Allen's resident poet, Falstaff, then Dennis sings, I Had the Craziest Dream Last Night. <br> Mary gives the band more grief over their playing ability. Benny Goodman manages to dish it right back out. Gary Cooper phones in to arrange a night on the town with his good buddy Jack. Where will the swinging singles go to tear up the town? First, the tall cowboy of few words defends himself from the gags that the cast have ready for him. Rochester phones in with a report from Harlem, and the cutie he has on hand… er make that, his lap. Benny Goodman kicks off with some swinging traveling music as the guys hit the town. <br> After a rip roaring time at Grant's Tomb, and the Planetarium, Jack takes over to run the date his own way. Will he do any better? Will Jack ever get to the night clubs? The glitter and glamour of Broadway is next, and Jack manages to take Gary to a burlesque show. How will our wholesome heroes hold up under the bump and grind? <br>