A Date With Judy – Moving Day. ep19, 420728

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The Fosters sit near the phone, waiting for a long distance call from mother. She is visiting grandmother, and soon all the distant relatives take their turn on the line. Will the family be moving soon? Eager to go, Judy and Randolph begin making pplans to move tomorrow. <br> Judy and Randolph find the house with the "For Sale" sign, in the yard and are impressed at how big the place is. It even has a fish pond. The kids set out to stock the pond with guppies, change the wallpaper, and paint the floors. The gas man pops in, and since he can't find the meter he lends a hand in the papering job. To speed things along, Randolph gets all his friends to help. A snag arises when Judy has to pay an installation bill in cash. Now she has to ruin the surprise of the work she has been doing at the new place by calling father's office. <br> Meanwhile, mother and father arrive home with grandma, only to be surprised by the missing furniture. Now its Judy who is surprised to learn who is actually moving. Can they find their furniture? Will the real owner of the fixed up house appreciate the upgrades? At least its the most exciting time grandma has had in years. Now, where is that misplaced furniture? <br>