Jack Armstrong – Luminous Dragon Eye Ring. ep21, 401028.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A gap of about two weeks worth of shows have gone by in the world of radio history. When we last left our heros, they were approaching Honolulu, and Blackbeard had used a smoke bomb to act as a diversion so he could escape, and steal both the chart, and dragon eye ring. Today they have crossed the Pacific, and are cruising off the Philippines as they approach their sunken treasure of uranium. <br> Betty marvels at the pretty little harbor as the entire crew gives picturesque description of the view. The scooner that had been following them is the Black Shark, but there hasn't been any sign of it lately. There are other native boats out in the harbor, and the crew all discuss their activities. <br> When one of the boats is in trouble, is it wise for the Spindrift to interfere? The natives in the boats are restless, dangerous, and bent on catching the native in the lead boat. Who was the stranger they just rescued, and why was he being chased? Find out in the next installments. <br>