Barry Craig – Ghost of a Chance. 511219

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A claims agent calls on barry Craig to investigate an insurance claim. The policy has already been paid out, but a tip has come in that it may have been fraudulent. Barry sets out to interview the widow. He also has a court order to exhume the body. <br> The old caretaker at the cemitary claims he has seen ghosts. Does he know who had already dug up the grave? Barry makes the rounds and ends up in a tavern. As he trails his suspect,Barry rescues a dame, and knocks out a ghost. Although the dame claims the man was definitely not her late husband. <br> Waiting for his ghost to revive, Barry keeps him under wraps and interrogates his man. He tells his stor of a man who looks like him, and jumped from a train platflrm. Turning the man over to the cops, Barry continues his investigation.<br> It's back to the graveyard for answers. Who buried the casket full of rocks? Who was the medical person who signed off on the death? Danger looms, but Barry finds Remo Torch, and returns him home. Stay tuned as he explains all. <br>