Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Dragnet – Big Key. ep50, 500525 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:41

Assigned to homicide detail, a woman has been brutally killed, and it’s up to Joe Friday to get her killer. Examining the church grounds where the woman was found, Joe observe all the clues. There isn’t much to identify the woman with, but which of the other clues will prove important? With the new case, it looks like Joe, and partner Ben Romero, will be giving up their Christmas plans. Lab reports indicate that alcohol was involved. The first major lead comes when her fingerprints are on record as a former defense plant worker. The cops try to learn more about Maria from friends from her war defense days. A key found with the body hasn’t unlocked any doors in Maria Comacho’s old stomping grounds. People along Maria’s path have only good things to say about her, but nobody knows what the key might be used for. Another break comes when a man has been picked up who may have been with Maria on her last night. His story rings true, but his boots reveal another possible source to find the killer. Staking out a shoe shine stand, and checking out a soup kitchen, Joe and Ben may have found their man. All the pieces of the puzzle come together, including the lock the key fits into.

 Green Hornet – The Ghost Who Talked Too Much. 390525 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:11

Audio has a wierd skipping affect, maybe it’s due to the hoax the scammers are putting on. Especially since it seems to disapper about the time the Green Hornet gets involved in the story. Scammers who run a seance come to the attention of Jim Reed. We learn that the racket falls barely within being legal, and the law can’t stop it. just the thing for the Green Hornet to handle. When a phoney investment broker is discovered to be in cahootss, it’s just the leverage theGreen Hornet needs to blow the lid off the scam, and get the law involved.

 Lum and Abner – How Mousey Was Wounded. 430708 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:29

Audio is good, but a touch fast. Curiosity has been growing over Mousey’s war wound. Even reading from his secret diary hasn’t revealed any clues. Lum and Abner talk about the way their hero of a friend has resorted to slaving away doing the house work. Maybe they can draw him away from his woman’s work and put him to use in their war bond drives? Grandpap enters and still doing both telegram delivery, and picture painting. His latest job involves painting a beef roast,, so people can remember what one looks like. The gents offer Mousey a job, and have him respond to a questionnaire with questions aimed at finding out more about his war wound on his leg. The gents chomp at the bit as Mousey jots down his answer. As their friend returns home to talk to his wife about the new job, Abner can hardly wait to read the result. What does Mousey have to say about his injury?

 Halls Of Ivy – The Fighting Med Student. 500524. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:51

The topic of college athletes going pro seems to weigh heavy on Doc Hall. Should a young, tallented medical student with such a great investment in his mental ability give it up to pursue his tallent in sports? When the athletic med student on campus has been discovered by a boxing promoter, will he give up his career in medicine to be the next world class prize fighter? Doc Hall finds himself in the pivotal spot of encouraging his student to go for the gold in the ring, or stick by his college training and become a doctor. What will the student think? Couldn’t the student do both, have his short boxing career then turn to medicine? To give his own nudge, Toddy has a last minute scheme. Sidney Sheldon plays a punch drunk former boxer who helps in the decision process.

 Buck Rogers – Chase After Killer Kane, part 4. 1939. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:42

The adventures of Buck Rogers have taken us deep into outer space. Previously Wilma and Doc were in the clutches of Kane on the moon of Saturn. By the time we visit for today’s adventure, our heros have been reunited and are flying in the vicinity of Pluto. As Buck keeps on the rocket trail of Kane, he talks with Wilma and doc about the strange space birds they see outside. Our heros are gaining on Kane, but it will be important to catch him before he reaches the black asteroids. Buck radios Kane and tries to bluff him. Kane’s not going for it though. Is there anyway for the two identical ships to make any progress on each other? Both pilots use all the tricks they have up their sleeves as they play cat and mouse through the far reaches of the solar system. Which pilot will win? Buck finds himself in danger when the heat is turned up in his rocket cabin, and Kane seems to be gaining an upper hand.

 Nero Wolfe (CBC) The Squirt And The Monkey. ep10, 820320 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:48

Audio is good, maybe a little muffled, but still good. Nero and Archie bicker over looking at the comics page. Sent out on messenger duty, Archie visits a room full of temperamental writers. The frustrations with the eccentrics are alleviated for Archie when a dame, and executive secretary fills him in on the meeting. A theft of a gun, and a list of people who had access to the desk where it was stored are revealed. Will it be so easy to figure out who the surprised burger was? Archie is detained, since the artists can’t be rushed, and their quirks be disturbed. Battling radios at full volume, drafty windows, breakfast after noon, and more. As he passes time, the quirks won’t stop. Hours pass, but the creative juices of art seem to be shutting his questions off. Archie has enough of being jerked around, and though the original gun has shown up, his is missing. It’s enough to make him swear… just a little bit. What do you think? Isn’t it about time a body makes the scene? Inspector Kramer is called, but the cop thinks Archie is telling lies when he explains what happened. Suddenly, the artists tell conflicting stories as to why they hired Nero, and what Archie was supposed to be doing. The other artists and writers seem to have stories to put Archie on the hot seat. Why are they lying, and setting Archie up? What part does the monkey have in the weird crime? Back in the office, Archie tells Nero all the details. The scandal soon spreads to threaten to take down Nero’s detective business as well. Dirt is dug up on the artists and writers. Confrontations made. You know how this ends… Nero cuts through the twisted mess of a mystery. Get ready for the big reveal, and the truth behind the vendetta against the rotund detective.

 Philip Marlowe – The Fox’s Tail. ep85, 500523 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:41

Responding to a call to meet a client in the local dive, the Blue Chip, Marlowe is to pose as a man who is targeted for death. How will this help protect the man, and won’t that mean that Philip may end up being dead himself? Despite the danger, its right up Marlowe’s alley. It doesn’t take long before Marlowe finds the man has already committed suicide, and a roving thug ends up with a thump on the head from Marlowe, and tucked away in a tool crib. The goal is to keep the suicide a secret for as long as possible, as leverage to win a cash settlement in a legal case, but when the wife of the dead man shows up, that could be hard to do. Going into battle damage control, Marlowe goes to ensure the lid is kept on his thug, but he only finds that the body count has risen. Sharing what he knows thus far with his client, secrets burst to the surface, as twists to the story emerge. New threats to Marlowe’s life kick it up a notch, and our hard boiled detective will need to think fast if he wants to stay alive to share yet another insightful and sentimental epilog to the show.

 Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – The Earl Chadwick Matter. ep51, 500523. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:40

A man who has been claimed to be dead four years ago is seen alive. Now the insurance company needs to verify the matter and either prove fraud, or learn what’s going on. Johnny heads out to interview George Brewster, the man who has been sighted and may be the aledged dead Earl Chadwick. The mousey man is reluctant to admit who he is at first, but his story reveals how his wife ran off with the insurance money. What will happen when a confrontation between Earl, his wife, and her new husband goes down? Is George actually Earl, or has he faked his identity? Dental records could hold the answer, unless they’ve been misfiled, or has false evidence been planted? Are the police certain about their files on Earl? Is George just a fraud who heard about the old case of fraud and embezzlement, and is trying to take advantage of Earl’s widow and her new husband? Questions, questions, questions. Murder could be brewing, and it’s up to Johnny to stop it, and get to the bottom of what’s going on with the mixed up identity. Which will it be, the case of a gold digger who ran off with defrauded money? Or a wacko who wants adventure in his boring, mousey life? There may not be a tidy conclusion, but Johnny blows the lid off the truth.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Getting Ready For Camping Trip. ep370, 430622 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:05

Getting ready for a vacation, the McGee’s talk about fun in the wild outdoors. Camping, rowboats, swimming, and more. A stranger pops in. Who was that? It’s Mirt the phone operator. Abigail Uppington enters for a farewell word for the Summer, and a visit to the hall closet. Billy Mills plays a perky tune. On the way to the store to pick up supplies, the McGees meet the Old Timer, who tells them about an adventure with a branding iron. In the sporting goods store, Fibber has a hard time passing up the moose call. Harlowe Wilcox arrives to spin the vacation theme into a commercial. Doc Gamble shops, and recommends items for Fibber’s first aid for the season. Also tips on giving Molly a break as well. The Kingsmen sing, A Little Close Harmony. Still shopping, Fibber is shown a rabbit trap. Mayor Latrivia arrives to talk about his petty officers, ordinary seamen, and superior officers, only to the confusion of the McGee’s, and in ending up in a slow burn. As Fibber is shown a sleeping bag, Wallace Wimple visits to tell how he flew off the handle with his big old wife Sweetie Face.

 Lum and Abner – The Secret Diary. 430707 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:43

Basking in the attention of the townsfolk, Mousey Gray hasn’t revealed much about his time in Africa, or his war wound. Lum shares with Abner that he heard about Mousey’s secret diary of his war service. Will they finally get the real low down on everything? Mousey enters after all his house work is done, and his little book is like a mother to him. He shares a few entries, but the intrigue is interrupted by the ringing of the telephone. Tales of danger with his long knife reveal his time on KP, and listening to owl hoots. Observations of the differences between the African hoot owl, to the American hoot owl are made. Is Mousey covering up some juicy details about combat action? When Mousey has to rush outside, the gents are worried for his safety. Have they dredged up uncomfortable memories of his war wound?

 Buck Rogers – Chase After Killer Kane, part 3. 1939. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:27

The story continues. I thought I was out of these, but I found a few more. Killer Kane and Ardellah have set up their base of operation on the moon of Saturn. Today Buck learns from the king that Kane had impersonated him to gain a foothold. Today the king offers details to the real Buck about what he knows about Kane, and Buck recounts his adventure. How Doc Huer was kidnapped, and his near miss with the poinson gas in the cabin of his rocket plane. Suddenly, Wilma is missing. Elsewhere, Kane and Ardella discuss their evil plans. He still believes that the king, and others think he’s Buck. A well meaning palace guard is trapped when he tried to capture Kane, and spills the beans to him and Ardella about the happenings in the palace. The secret of Buck and his presence on the moon is out. Now what will Kane do? The overly talkative guard seems to have his own plans for a take over. To make things more interesting, Wilma has been discovered as she tried to release the kidnapped doc Huer. Stay tuned to learn what happens next.

 X Minus One – The Trap. ep88, 570213 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:00

It’s the first day of vacation, and two men argue over the merits of doing some hunting and fishing, or to go hang out in the club drinking cocktails. Thurston would rather relax in the cabin, while his buddy Ed discovers a metal trap sitting outside the cabin door. What kind of trap is it? What kind of trap works by keeping it closed? Following the instructions, the trap is set, placed near a tree, and… hey it’s glowing. Ed and Thurston continue their binge of drinking and doing some target shooting. Suddenly, the trap has caught something. Green, with lobster claws, somehow Ed doesn’t think its a rabbit. Strange critters have been showing up in the trap, but the increasingly drunken guys can’t figure what good they are, or what to do with them. Maybe a museum could be named for them, and their discoveries. Of course the listener will know from the interspersed comments from an alien that the trap is a matter transporter. The curious drunks play with the trap, but will they make a new discovery, or thwart an alien invasion? Or just have a totally anti climactic ending for all involved. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "X Minus One on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "1617093475,1570199590,1617090379,1570195870"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 Phil Harris – Drivers License Exam. 500521. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:08

A few weeks earlier Alice bought a new car, and has been driving with a permit. Today is her day to be tested for her drivers license. With the fender benders in the parking lot, this may not be a good day for Alice in the world of traffic. Can Phil and Frankie run interference for her with the police, and get Alice out of trouble? Good thing her feminine wiles are in good working order. In the process Phil learns his license is expired and he needs to renew his as well. Phil sings, Ramble Along. Little does Phil know, the traffic cop from outside goes inside to have the license testers give Phil an especially hard time. Maybe he should borrow some of those feminine wiles from Alice. Phil even gets passed up by a blind guy, and Remley with a terrible traffic record before he is cleared to renew his license. Alice sings, Stay with the Happy People. Amazingly Julius delivers groceries to the DMV, and gets his chance to add to the fun of tormenting Phil. Will Phil ever get his license? There’s still a mishap or two waiting for him instead.

 Greatest Story Ever Told – The House Of Darkness (AFRS). ep94, 490116 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:02

A woman grieves to another about the loss of her son. She’ll do anything to see him again, even trying to bring him back if she could. The distraught Rebecca goes to a medium to commune with her dead son. Will it bring him back, even in a small way? Will the encounter bring comfort, or more turmoil? Will a visit from the Master be welcomed in Rebecca’s house? Her faithful servant begs her to let the men be their guests. Can a word from the Master soften Rebecca’s heart, and comfort the servant, despite the rejection of him? The grieving woman has forbidden men, because the male presence reminds her too much of her loss. When a child is orphaned, will she also reject the chance to raise it to fill the gap of her lost boy? The servant, Sarah, takes in Rhoda herself, but cautions the girl not to enter the areas of the house where the embittered woman lives. It doesn’t mean that Rebecca is unaware of the girl, but she seems resentful of the girl and just being a kid. Will bitterness ever be lightened? Will the overbearing resentment ever be removed? Will words of the Master ever break through the grief to let go of the dead?

 Jack Benny – More Gunga Din. ep337, 390521 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:45

Nervously awaiting the outcome of his screen triumph, Jack gets teased about his latest film. As the cast arrive, each one has their own complaints. Mary reads a letter from her mother. What does the ouija board of Plainfield have to say this week? Besides the usual crazy family happenings, a trip to the World’s Fair is told about. Kenny Baker sings, Little Skipper. Phil Harris pops in to interrupt Jack’s introducing the continued play. Learning flattering news about his movie co-star, Jack interrupts himself in announcing the play. More movie interruptions keep cave man Jack jumping. Phil plays, The Ladies in Love with You. The scene finds Gunga still in the desert, hunting for the cut throats, while Mary reads the narrative voiceover. Jokes include the travels of Eleanor Roosevelt, a honeymoon in Niagra Falls, and the hit song sweeping the nation, Three Little Fishes. Falling into the hands of Phil Harris cut throat band, Gunga finds himself in the Wiltshire Bowl, and can’t get even a sip of water. What tortures could be worse than thirst?


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