Halls Of Ivy – The Fighting Med Student. 500524.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The topic of college athletes going pro seems to weigh heavy on Doc Hall. Should a young, tallented medical student with such a great investment in his mental ability give it up to pursue his tallent in sports? When the athletic med student on campus has been discovered by a boxing promoter, will he give up his career in medicine to be the next world class prize fighter? Doc Hall finds himself in the pivotal spot of encouraging his student to go for the gold in the ring, or stick by his college training and become a doctor. <br> What will the student think? Couldn’t the student do both, have his short boxing career then turn to medicine? To give his own nudge, Toddy has a last minute scheme. Sidney Sheldon plays a punch drunk former boxer who helps in the decision process. <br> <br>