Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Fibber McGee and Molly – License to Catch Old Muley. ep406, 440530 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:29

When fishing season rolls around, Fibber is ready to take his tackle to the beaches, and catch a prize fish. Old Muley is the famous fish who has evaded the hook for years. Molly doesn’t understand the quality of fishing gear, and would rather just go to a movie. Alice Darling enters to tell about her father, and his fishing trips. Since Alice doesn’t have much first hand desire to fish, Fibber tells of a near miss in catching Old Muley in the past. Billy Mills plays, Holiday for Strings. At city hall, Fibber goes to get his fishing license. Mr Wellington is on hand to tell about his nephew the dog catcher, and other relatives in city government. Does Fibber know anybody who can pull some strings to get him a fishing license any quicker? Harlowe Wilcox enters to spin the topic for the commercial. A speech writer gets input from Fibber, while he waits in line. Fibber gets confused over words, then Beulah is spotted in city hall. She has come to pay on a tax bill. She’s also confused over what the decimal system is. The Kingsmen sing, Twenty Seven Times Around the Block. Who can Fibber talk to pull some strings? Is the mayor in, or someone who can speak to him on Fibbers behalf? As Fibber struggles to get his license the easy way, he runs into Doc Gamble. An argument ensues as to which is the better fisherman. Finally, has Fibber found his political clout to get his license? amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Fibber McGee and Molly on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "1482957434,1617092177,1570193932,1570198284"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 Vic and Sade – Lolita Di Rienzi’s Suggestion. 440530. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:15

Vic is on cloud nine after being lavishly complimented from a co-worker. He is so thrilled, that he shares a little more than he needed to, and Sade is suspicious. Especially when she figures the complements came from one of the female workers at the plant. Suddenly Vic back pedals, knowing the person behind the compliments will get Sades hackles up. Too late. The trap is sprung, and the more Vic tries to avoid the answers that Sade wants, the more guilty he looks. Part of the flattery involves suggesting that Vic write a series of articles. Sade lets Vic wax poetic on the matter, sharing with Russel on the article content, but you can bet Sade is only biding her time to sink the claws in and mark her territory. Trivia: * Vic’s lunch hour at work is over at 1:00; we certainly can have assumed that but now we know. * “Old Man” Chieferson was seen in the neighborhood. He lives on Oakland Avenue now but apparently used to live on Virginia Avenue or thereabouts. He has a daughter named Louise McDermott. * Lolita works in the boxing department of Consolidated Kitchenware. –Trivia provided by Jimbo, as found at the Crazy World of vic and Sade.

 Lum and Abner – Mabel Melrose Leaves Town. 430713 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:38

After Mousey’s battle scar has been explained, it’s time to put some closure to the saga of Mable Melrose, Abner enters to report she’s packing her bags, and getting ready to leave town. Lum is worried that it’s due to him breaking her heart. Huh? Abner shares that folks in town think she might be a little touched in the head. Lum still can’t stand the thought of her leaving in tears. But that’s not the way Abner seen it. Lum figures her happy front is just a disguise for the broken heart Lum gave her, and secretly wants him to race over to propose. Grandpap enters to tell about Virgil Breckenridge, and the hazards of eloping using a rope ladder. A phone call from Lizabeth seems to confirm Lum’s ego when he is requested to bring a ladder over. Does Mable want to elope… or suicide herself? Lum feels its his gentlemanly duty to do the right thing and elope. Abner bursts his bubble when its only to rescue a cat from the barn roof.

 X Minus One – Field Study. ep89, 570220 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:08

Frank is a workaholic, and thinks his wife is being neurotic for wanting him to stop working late and take her out dancing for a change. Though he’s always been healthy, a visit to the doctor finds that Frank is a remarkable specimen. By remarkable, he is a prime candidate for a drug experiment. Is Trankor a doctor, a healer, or some kind of phony? Though Betty has had enough, and decides to go out without Frank, he works late to investigate the mysterious Trankor. Frank suspects that Trankor is from the future. In discussion, Trankor shares a little about his race, culture, and studies, as compared to earth culture. The studious Trankor wants to be taken out for a night on the town, to get away from the academic way of life. Frank agrees to find Betty, and show Trankor a good time. The escape from reality does Frank good, but is Trankor really from the future, or has an alien hijacked a body to help in studying the human race? And what about Betty? Has her appetite to dance been properly appeased? amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "X Minus One on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "1617093475,1570199590,1617090379,1570195870"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 Father Knows Best – Missing Furniture. ep64 510111 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:27

Fortune sometimes comes and goes. Today it is about to change for the Anderson family. Jim and Margret argue, the kids bicker, it just never seems to stop. When dad gives in to mom, is it prime time for the kids to ask for new furniture? Will anybody ever let Kathy tell one of her old jokes? A sweet deal over the radio motivates Jim to send the old furniture away, and win new stuff in the radio contest. Those movers who just hauled away the furniture were from the radio station… right? I think Kathy has a riddle that dad can’t answer. At least with the furniture gone, the house looks more roomy. Should they call their insurance company? The police? With the hour growing later, where will sleepy kids sleep? Will it do to phone moving companies in town? The kids who had been complaining about their beds, and furnishings aren’t as keen on roughing it without beds as dad is. Fortunately, the moving mix up has a way of solving itself. Sort of…. Jim has one last twist of fortune with the jovial mover.

 Greatest Story Ever Told – The Figure At The Door (AFRS). ep95, 490123 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:46

Two men gossip about why nobody has seen Simeon lately? The suspected reason is that Simeon has leprosy. Malachi sticks up for his friend. Is he just being soft? The topic shifts to an expected visit from the Master. Discussion later turns to the meaning of dreams, and a strange one that has haunted the gossiping man, Ethan. He’s now determined to put on the feast at his own house… for his own advancement in importance. Ethan even goes as far as inviting Simeon, the suspected leper. Not that he expects Simeon to appear, but that his absence will raise eye brows at the empty seat. A visit from one of the disciples hints at problems for Ethan. The Master will come to the feast… right? The day of the feast approaches, and another strange dream is told. What importance does the omen hold for Ethan? He shares his plan for political posturing with his wife. Will Ethan’s anger, and plans for personal gain keep the Master away? Who could refuse the lavish feast he has prepared? Has he been betrayed by Malachi? Was it in hostility that he put on his own feast for the Master. The dreams suddenly make their meaning known for Ethan. If the Master comes to any who invite him, why hasn’t he come to Ethan? If he comes to your door, what does it mean when there’s no door handle on the outside? A lesson of proper attitude is learns.

 Jack Benny – Alexander Graham Bell. ep338, 390528 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:38

Glamour boy Jack Benny, would prefer to be known as the studio’s new oomph man. With Rochester in his new film, the valet has been acting the part of high class actor at home. Mary tells secrets on Jack’s real claim to the title of oomph man. Kenny Baker sings, Melanchollie Moon. Another movie spoof is announced, the hit film that featured Don Ameche, Alexander Graham Bell. The cast are assigned parts. Rochester arrives with bad news about Jack’s car. While Jack frets over his missing Maxwell, Phil plays and sings, Snug as a Bug in a Rug. The play is set in Boston of 1870. The phone rings in the Bell home… despite not quite being invented yet… and we check on the progress out in the lab. Interruptions continue as Mary keeps getting phone calls to check on the progress of that new invention. Will those gags with the phone operators have a hand in it? As backer Kenny Baker counts out a few million dollars… one at a time… the project is delayed. Will the telephone ever be invented?

 Our Miss Brooks – Traffic Court. 500528. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:27

A safe driving campaign is instituted after a rash of traffic mishaps have plagued Connie Brooks. She tells Mrs Davis all about her troubles over breakfast. Maybe Walter Denton can help with Connie’s legal troubles? What will Mr Conklin have to say when he learns of his accident prone teacher’s antics? Connie is too embarrassed to tell the principal why she really needs the time off for traffic court. At lunch with her tight wad, oblivious boyfriend, Connie learns that the gossip of her traffic accident has spread through the school. Will her blabbermouth friends be able to help her? Can they convince Conklin to let her have time off without sharing her secret any further? Let’s just say they make a try of epidemic proportions. There’s a surprise twist for Connie when Conklin has his own secret reason to miss school at the same time. Who ever heard of a jury trial for a traffic ticket? This is the season closer, and once the gang are all reconciled over the misadventure, The Summer replacement show is introduced. A new, young comedian named Steve Allen.

 Great Gildersleeves – Campaign Headquarters. ep128, 440528 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:49

Stopping in for a trim,Gildy talks with Floyd the barber. What’s the latest word from the campaign trail? Judge Hooker puts down the copy of Esquire long enough to read the recent news headlines. Has Floyd betrayed Gildy, and gone to the Tewilliger camp? At home, Gildy tells the family about his new headquarters in the room above Floyd’s barber shop. Leroy calls a meeting of his friends. The Commandos debate over who should use their new flame thrower first. The blow torch debate flames out when Gildy presents his own mission. What will his new recruits be doing? Leaving no stone unturned, Gildy checks in at his headquarters. Has anyone in town popped in for information about the race for mayor? Peavey and Judge Hooker give a report on the women’s demographic. Floyd enters to get the boys organized… he even brought a deck of cards to help the chore along. A gig to sing at the Kiwanis club could win a lot of votes. The Jolly Boys work out some lyrics, and campaign song for Gildersleeves. The singing is brought to a stop when we learn that Leroy has been arrested. Is there political undercurrents to the arrest? Is Chief Gates in the Tewilliger camp? Will he show his loyalty by lending voice to the barbershop campaign song?

 Dimension X – To The Future. ep8, 500527 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

On a Spring night in Mexico, in 1950, Wil and Sue have money to last a lifetime. Is there any worries that someone from their life back home might end their festivities? Is that stranger across the room looking for them? Travel in Time Inc. is a company that offers vacations in time, and an atomic scientist is missing with his bactieriorologist assistant. With a war in the year 2155 raging on, will theugitive scientists be ripped out of their vacation and drawn back to their own reality? Is there a chance they will have to flee to stay clear of the war? Can Will and Sue ask for help? Is there a way to avoid being dragged into the time capsule to go home? To go back means facing torture as well as the war work they were involved in. Desperation leads to murder, but has Will and Sue heard the last of their pursuers? Have they found new friends in that movie crew from Hollywood? amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Science Fiction on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B0001HAGU6,B004ZJ9VXY,B001A7GOCA,B002945DU2"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "148193c96d41d0e8dd6bbc23c85ca24d";

 Show # 786: Thats Not All Folks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A nostalgic look back at the Folk Revival of the mid to late 60's.

 Lum and Abner – Truth About Mousey’s Wound. 430712 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:52

The weather in town is hot, 106 degrees, as Abner enters singing. Mousey has been hired on and is cleaning out the feed room. Lum wonders how some people can seem to keep so cool on a hot day. Will the gents ever learn about Mousey’s war wound? It might help if they were mind readers, if they had a mind. Just when they think they’ll never know, Mousey enters, and is ready to tell all. Don’t hold back Mousey. Fighting through enemy lines, cleaning out machine gun nests, climbing hills, crossing rivers, but the adventure is derailed when Abner is confused over an old Edwards saying. A post card from an army buddy reveals the truth behind the harrowing mission. A potato peeling accident on KP, but it doesn’t diminish the pride that Lum and Abner have for him.

 Father Knows Best – Vacation Arrives. ep130, 520703 (retro572) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:44

Dreaming of vacation, Jim wants a change of pace, but Margret thinks their usual jaunt to Round Lake will be best. Will the fashionable resort at Highland hills be more relaxing, or will the posh resort mean more stress. Jim gets the kids in on the decision,. Bud thinks the family discussion means he’s in trouble. Betty goes into drama queen mode, and Cathy is her usual clueless self. Has the door been opened for the kids to put in their votes for 3 ifferent places? All the kids definitely are against dad’s choice. It’s just too dull. Given the options, they’d rather stick with good old Round Lake. As it turns out, there’s only one cottage available… that only has 2 bed rooms… and costs more… and doesn’t include meals. Jim suddenly sees the light The car is ready, and getting packed, as Jim dictates a last moment note to his secretary at home. Interruptions from kids abound. Is the house all set, incase of emergency? Neighbors pop in for more distractions. Overstuffed suitcases, last moment messes, and did mom forget to turn offf the stove? Finally on the road, Jim begins to wax long about the troubles he never had getting ready as a boy. But there’s just one thing he forgot. In their wake, neighbors tlk about the silence left in the gap, and potential life ithout the Andersons while they’ll be gone for the next 8 weeks of Summer. Bonus Tracks * Keith reads from an article on wikki * Louis Armstrong – A Kiss to Build a Dream On (1952) * Patty Page – How Much Is That Doggie in the Window (1952).

 Buck Rogers – Chase After Killer Kane, Part 5. 1939. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:58

Deep in space, Buck, Wilma, and Doc Huer have just had a close call with Killer Kane. Both pilots rockets have just crashe landed, and the lights are out, and neither are moving. Buck has the idea to keep on playing dead to see if he can out wait Kane. Will Kane get curious and come over to see what happened on Bucks ship? As Kane and Ardellah move closer under cover of darkness, they hear Buck and Wilma talking inside. Bad move Buck. It looks like their bluff has failed. Kane decides to lure Buck out by staging a fake radio signal of his own, designed to mislead Buck and his crew. Will he fall for their trap? What kind of danger might await Buck? It looks like the answers will have to come in the next exciting adventure.

 Alan Freed’s Rock n Roll Dance Party – Chuck Willis, The Five Keys, and Ivory Joe Hunter. ep17, 1956 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:42

Playlist: * The Dance Party’s own band, Sam the Man Taylor plays, Roadrunner. * Chuck Willis, What’s Your Name. * Chuck Willis, It’s Too Late. * The Five Keys, She’s the Most. * The Five Keys, The Birdie. * Ivory Joe Hunter, You Mean Everything to Me. * Ivory Joe Hunter, I Almost Lost My Mind. * Sam the Man Taylor, Flag Wavers.


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