Father Knows Best – Vacation Arrives. ep130, 520703 (retro572)

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Dreaming of vacation, Jim wants a change of pace, but Margret thinks their usual jaunt to Round Lake will be best. Will the fashionable resort at Highland hills be more relaxing, or will the posh resort mean more stress. Jim gets the kids in on the decision,. Bud thinks the family discussion means he’s in trouble. Betty goes into drama queen mode, and Cathy is her usual clueless self. Has the door been opened for the kids to put in their votes for 3 ifferent places? <br> All the kids definitely are against dad’s choice. It’s just too dull. Given the options, they’d rather stick with good old Round Lake. As it turns out, there’s only one cottage available… that only has 2 bed rooms… and costs more… and doesn’t include meals. Jim suddenly sees the light <br> The car is ready, and getting packed, as Jim dictates a last moment note to his secretary at home. Interruptions from kids abound. Is the house all set, incase of emergency? Neighbors pop in for more distractions. Overstuffed suitcases, last moment messes, and did mom forget to turn offf the stove? <br> Finally on the road, Jim begins to wax long about the troubles he never had getting ready as a boy. But there’s just one thing he forgot. In their wake, neighbors tlk about the silence left in the gap, and potential life ithout the Andersons while they’ll be gone for the next 8 weeks of Summer. <br> Bonus Tracks<br> <br> * Keith reads from an article on wikki<br> * Louis Armstrong – A Kiss to Build a Dream On (1952)<br> * Patty Page – How Much Is That Doggie in the Window (1952).<br> <br>